Ensoniq Mirage Soundprocess OS template

Wow that’s is great,
The harmonics part might be useful for Soundprocess OS too,
The Mirage also has a basic additive synth part where you can generate waves with harmonics. 10 harmonics, wave type but no phase.

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These are great news. It would be amazing to manage/generate waves on the E1.
Creating simple waveforms with the 10 harmonics on the Mirage is fun and useful but that did not work for me on the template yet.

I wonder why the Lua functions to switch pairs are not working for me on my E1 MKII.
Often i have to reconnect and restart as the connection gets lost or the transfer of a preset is stuck.

Another great candidate for a project to show what the E1 can do could also be the Waldorf Microwave.

The ability to import single cycle waves to create custom wavetables or reuse internal waves to make new wavetables is amazing.


Yup, there is something not quite right. I am trying to track the issue down. if you can, please, share that preset with me (on PM). I already have presets from a few other users, but the more input I have the easier to find the problem might be. Thanks!


I think the ability to generate waves using the harmonics is something else then what Martin is talking about.
It is in the template but not implemented.

I will upload the template and see how things are on the MKII,

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I had a quick Soundprocess OS test with de e.one MKII
With the e.one connected to a battery bank.
It crached few times and I was not able to get patch data from the Soundprocess OS.
I guess that part has priority to be fixed.
I am 100% sure there are no mistakes in the patch request as I am not a human and I do not make mistakes ever. hahahahaha
I mean I am sure as it was working on the MK1.
Will try to get some debugging info later.

Template: Electra One App

Latest DEV template: Electra One App

They both have patch request data but on the MKII I do not see the patch request button.
Wasn’t this “hold top right” and then tab one of the encoders?
So I do not get any patch data from the Mirage

The OSC pair function seem to work ok. No issues there,
As said the Mirage is difficult.
To edit a patch you need to go to the program page and set the top key to whole the keyboard and select the patch you want.
When the sounds changes when you switch then your good to go.
Set “patch select” to the number you just set in the “program” page.
Now you can edit the patch, osc env, filters etc.

Latest DEV is the one I will be working on as this has more things implemented.
If I remember correctly the Mirage sysex is not complete.
So some dump request do not give anything. waves block I think…

Anyhow Soundprocess OS already sounds so good sometimes.
Would be awesome to have custom waves in it.
Some people only use Soundprocess OS.
I do as well like MASOS. You can load MASOS sounds into Soundprocess. Size limit.
You can make killer drum samples and even multisamples.

Can someone tell me how to initiate a patch request on the MKII ?



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I did a quick Czech and send (some patch request) F0h 00h 00h 23h 01h 44h 01h 00h F7h in the console app and got all the parameters of the e.one populated.
So the patch request do work.

Button 6, the top right one does not trigger a patch request.
Is this an issue and is the patch request button not working on the MKII or is it different on the MKII now?

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Anybody has Soundprocess docs / sysex impl? I could not find anything usable…

I retrofitted my mirage with the gotek emulator and tested @Flyweight’s preset. So far, my mirage reacts to the Panel/CC command only. Everything else seem to be ignored.

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@martin the sysex specs are in the manual
However the messages that I send are different.
The header I mean.
Also think the specs are not complete.
If I remember correctly didn’t the mirage send the wave patch data back.

1_SoundProcess-OS-Manual.PDF (2.0 MB)

Here is a parameter change example from my template as you can see the header doesn’t look like the docs suggest at all:

    "type": "value",
    "rules": [
        "parameterNumber": 1,
        "parameterBitPosition": 0,
        "byteBitPosition": 0,
        "bitWidth": 4
    "type": "value",
    "rules": [
        "parameterNumber": 1,
        "parameterBitPosition": 4,
        "byteBitPosition": 0,
        "bitWidth": 4

Really cool that you got a Mirage and will actually work with it.

Man that is exciting stuff.



here is how to use the basic template.
Updating to beta is for testing purpose only i guess.
But in the current beta the

  1. update e.one to latest beta 3.5… something

  2. I booted this Soundprocess OS disk.

SoundProcess_4.zip (349.5 KB)

  1. This template: Electra One App

  2. Make sure computer control is on, “ccontol” Mirage should display CC

  3. Select on the “Program Page” “Patch #1.” What ever number you choose you should here that patch when you play the Mirage.
    When the topkey is 127 it means that whole the keyboard has only one patch assigned.

  4. To control the patch you need to select it. Using “patch select”
    Set it to the same parameter as you set “Patch #1” to.

  5. Now tab the patch request button to sync the parameters.



I was just testing the 2 templates.

The template above works fine with the latest beta. OSC pair switching also works,

The DEV template has some issues.
Not sure why but parameter numbers have changed.
This broke things in the template.

@martin would you be able to fetch older revisions of this template?
I am sure it was working and I think the template broke due to some updates to the website.
Ok its a bit of an asumption :slight_smile:


  • OSC pair switching does not work
  • Fetching patch data doesn’t work. The “patch select” value jumps to 4 after patch request.
  • OSC pair switching on the performance page also doesn’t work.
  • patch parsing needs to be checked.

There will probably be more issues.

But it would be good to focus on the DEV template.

The other template is ok as is with a more limited feature set.


If you worked on the same preset (ie. kept changing it) you can retrieve older revisions of your work by yourself.

Click on Preset revisions on the Preset Detail page:

Pick the revision you need:

If you could not find it, I make database snapshots it can be retrieved from them. The regular backup covers last 7 days only.


Thanks Martin that is great.

The DEV template doesn’t work it seems.
Maybe its better to Migrate the missing parts to the old simple version.
I will have to look at it.

But first I will test the “patch request” in the stable template more extensively.


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@martin @cloinc seems to be right.
The Lua code to select the OSC pair stops working.
At first id did not see it.

But if I go to the OSC pair 2 page and I twist a knob. Then put the mirage in “Panel Mode” parameter 60 [ osc pair select ]. It is still on 1…
On MK1 this worked fine after an update.

When I execute the function from the Lua console I see the message but on the Device I see only the USB Device port lighting up.
I checked the routing and1

The patch parsing looks much better now. I have requested about 25 patches with success.
No freezes or things like that. Great progress in deed. Thanks for that.

If you work with soundprocess OS and the template it helps a lot to have the parameter sheet around.

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Hi Guys,
I sold my Mirage yesterday.
Also an XV5080

I am thinning out my setup.



Good for you!!! Sad to hear in regards to this preset though! :upside_down_face:

Yeah I am thinning out my studio.
I got to much gear and it takes to much time in which I should write music instead.
Not easy to ditch stuff I actually like but ending G.A.S. is great :slight_smile:

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Definitely agreed about the GAS. Already thinking about downsizing here as well…
But so far planning to keep the Mirage… Hope someone will pick up where you left off with this preset… Thank you for getting it this far!

Some of us will end up selling gear and buying other stuff over the years. One thing I have been considering is to make sure that if I developed a preset for the E1 for a piece of gear I’m selling is that there is still a way to somewhat test the preset.

Usually that means a way of sending a sysex dump manually or using MIDI-Ox to simulate the hardware by manually inputting sysex data messages.

Not saying I’ll be 100% successful doing this, but I do want to be able to bring up the preset and maybe fix some issue with it if possible.

Just something to consider anyway.


I never sell after a few bad experiences. :grinning:

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I maintain a list of gear that I will “never” sell. Of course “never” does not mean real never, one never knows :wink: With gear that is not on the list, I am quite relaxed.

Anyways, I have Mirage. @eusti helped me to get one. I exercised the the sysex and found a way to communicate with it. I must admit, however, that even though I have a weak spot for Ensoniqs in general and I like the sound of Mirage, I am somewhat frustrated with the machine. It feels that I still need to mess with the buttons on the frontpanel and I need to have the “code” cheatsheet around all the time. Maybe something has not clicked in my head yet. All that regards the soundprocess firmware.

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