Multiple midi notes

Im having an issue with sending multiple midi notes with a pad momentary switch. Im attempting to use lua scripting, my script looks like follows:

function sendNotes_m(valueObject, value)
parameterMap.set(1, PT_NOTE, 1, NOTE_ON);

This style of function has worked for me for resetting parameters but im now realizing that this isn’t actually sending any midi. can anyone help with sending multiple midi notes from one momentary press?

I was able to complete the task with:

function sendNotes_m(valueObject, value)
midi.sendNoteOn(PORT_1, 1, 1, 127);
midi.sendNoteOn(PORT_1, 1, 7, 127);

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midi.sendNoteOn(port, channel, noteNumber, velocity)

A function to send a Note On MIDI message.

  • port - integer, a port identifier(see Globals for details).
  • channel - integer, a numeric representation of the MIDI channel(1 … 16).
  • noteNumber - integer, an identifier of the MIDI note(0 … 127).
  • velocity - integer, a velocity(0 … 127).

midi.sendNoteOff(port, channel, noteNumber, velocity)

A function to send a Note Off MIDI message.

  • port - integer, a port identifier(see Globals for details).
  • channel - integer, a numeric representation of the MIDI channel(1 … 16).
  • noteNumber - integer, an identifier of the MIDI note(0 … 127).
  • velocity - integer, a velocity(0 … 127).