sendNrpn broken: workaround

have been using sendNrpn in the past, but now it’s throwing errors:

error running function 'runFunction': ctrlv2/slots/p065.lua:26: bad argument #0 to 'sendNrpn' (number expected, got table)

In line 26 I’ve got the following, which should not generate any error…
midi.sendNrpn(1, 7, 6, 2)

Because the documentation states the following syntax:

midi.sendNrpn(port, channel, parameterNumber, value)

However the doc now mentions 5, not 4 arguments. In what order should they be?
I get other errors if I add a boolean as fifth argument.

A function to send a NRPN MIDI message.

  • port - integer, a port identifier(see Globals for details).
  • channel - integer, a numeric representation of the MIDI channel(1 … 16).
  • parameterNumber - integer, an identifier of the NRPN(0 … 16383).
  • value - integer, a value to be sent(0 … 16383).
  • lsbFirst - boolean, when true, the lsb and msb bytes will be swapped.

I’ve been using the sendNrpn() method posted by someone else for a long time. The Lua version has been broken for a while. The webUI version does work.

function sendNrpn(port, channel, parameter, value)
    local parameterMSB = (parameter >> 7) & 0x7F
    local parameterLSB = parameter & 0x7F
    local valueMSB = (value >> 7) & 0x7F
    local valueLSB = value & 0x7F

    local messages = {
        {channel = channel, type = CONTROL_CHANGE, controllerNumber = 99, value = parameterMSB},
        {channel = channel, type = CONTROL_CHANGE, controllerNumber = 98, value = parameterLSB},
        {channel = channel, type = CONTROL_CHANGE, controllerNumber = 6, value = valueMSB},
        {channel = channel, type = CONTROL_CHANGE, controllerNumber = 38, value = valueLSB}

    for i, msg in ipairs(messages) do
        midi.sendMessage(port, msg)
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the workaround is very usable.
For those who want to use it: then swap ‘midi.sendNrpn’ for sendNrpn’

sendNrpn is fixed in the upcoming release. I have added extra parameters to change order of bytes and including the reset bytes. The documentation will be updated.

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