Change Group Name based on List selection

Hey all. I’m new to E1 and Lua. I have some programming experience but Lua is taking me a while to get my head around. I wonder if anyone can help me with an idea I’m working on.

I’m creating a preset for my 1010music Bluebox mixer - 6 vertical ‘channels’ with vol, mute, send, etc. My mixer inputs vary, so the idea is to have 6 ‘dummy’ list controls listing my instruments which change the corresponding group name on the mixer page, like a scribble strip!

Presumably this will involve setting all the list items for the list controls on an unused page, getting the value from a list when its knob is turned and using the value to change the name of the relevant group on the main mixer page.

I’ve found Lua code in the user guide that makes me think this can be done, but I don’t quite know how to pull it all together.

I know a much easier way is to simply use the dummy lists at the top of my ‘channels’, but this uses up a valuable control slot on my main mixer interface!

It’s been a while I worked with the E1, but I may help you get kicked off. Besides the name of the input, what else do you intend to vary? I mean , I imagine you want each instrument to be assigned a colour too, perhaps a Midi channel? Let’s assume this.

If I were you, I would create an array which is maintained in lua itself. In that array you could assign each instrument a name, a color and a Midi channel.

All what remains to be done is having a fader per channel (a numerical can suffice, because each selected number will allow you to show the corresponding name) with which you scroll through that array. In lua you foresee a linked function that, for every new value, change a name displayed, a colour, a MIDI value for the requested channel.

Ah yes, that’s a sensible way of doing it! Thanks, I’ll see how I get on.

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