Lexicon LXP-5

Here is a basic cut at the LXP-5. LXP-5 beta

It seems to be working well for some folks and not as well for others. I definitely need more people willing to take it for a spin.

Note that like some other early MIDI gear, you have to match the MIDI channels even though it uses system exclusive messaging. There’s also the Write Protect setting which (I believe) can be turned off on Page 3 of the preset editor.

Finally, remember to set the LXP-5 front panel control to a user slot and not factory.

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I’ve uploaded a newer version that hopefully addresses some last concerns.

You know, having the documentation is great, having willing beta testers is essential, but nothing tops having the actual hardware in front of you.

Spending an afternoon looking at sysex exchanges between the LXP-5 and MIDI-Ox uncovered some undocumented MIDI messages that made selecting user and factory patches much more reliable.

Also uncovered some front panel control knob control info as well, so there’s more than meets the eye here. Still squirrely to use in an interactive mode (as far as remoting the front panel knobs), but at least the editor seems stable


Works like an absolute dream


For me, this is the type of thing where the addition of an Electra One to someone’s setup makes perfect sense.
Take an effects unit that has a great sound but minimal UI and degrading encoders and by adding an E1, suddenly it all opens back up.
You can see the values and have direct control over the parameters and most importantly, focus on the sound and not on guessing what is changing in the unit.


seriously. Even though LXP 5’s are like 80 bucks, this preset alone is worth the price of an E1 for me considering how much I use the lxp 5’s in my music and how much time I’ve spent menu diving on the old Lexicon MRC. Thank you Tom!

Added a small tweak (version 1.1 is up).
If you go to the Globals / Cfg page, you’ll see a control to pull back all user names in addition to the factory ones I now show.

If you set that, the first time you download a patch, it will also get all user names. Then you can toggle between Factory and User on the main screen and scroll through the patch names.

Note that if your LXP 5 battery is dead, you’ll likely have garbage names and possibly unusual values. I try to calculate the checksum to see if the data is corrupt, but it appears that (at least in my LXP), the checksum was correctly calculated for the random patches in the user space.

Let me know what you think of the update.

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