Is the patch editor out of service?
I’m not getting the usual view to allow parameter parsing. Screen remains blank.
I don’t know what happened, but I could resolve it by copying another preset’s JSON into the patch editor and then correct its syntax.
hi @NewIgnis,
I tested that and it looks like something that I cannot replicate. It means either specific to the preset or to the browser.
Can you test the Patch Editor on a completely new or different preset? I will be able to help tomorrow, I would like to go with you through the log files in the browser javascript console. I am sure the answer is in there.
Will contact you tomorrow.
well , I checked other presets and they did not have this issue.
Only this preset had it Electra One App
You will need to take the last revision of yesterday feb 13th.
Some more things to consider:
- I’ve been working several times on this preset today, like 10 hours ago and 2 hours ago. Yet the revisions don’t show evidence, there are no revisions from today. Is that normal.
- I have weird behaviour in the two or three last presets on the byte resolvement. The use of the function getChannelByte goes haywire when used in the responses section of the Patch Editor.
If for instance in the same preset I use the function in the responses JSON as follows:
"request": [
"type": "function",
"name": "getChannelByte"
"responses": [
"header": [
"type": "function",
"name": "getChannelByte"
then this chould resolve into “32”, instead it resolves in a value ANh that is not even hexadecimally correct:
My workaround is of course not to use that function, but then the preset will be only useful for those putting their device1 on the same MIDI channel as myself