Patch parameters dump (Analog 4)


I try (no… I fail) to understand how to import in Electra the patch parameters values from an Elektron Analog 4 track.

I found these two information sources:

  1. The sysex message to use:
  2. The Electra tutorial: Guide/tutorial for patch request button?

I suppose, for most of you, it should be enough to begin… But I don’t know what to do with these pieces of information. I tried to modify the preset file by hand but obviously it didn’t work :slight_smile:

If somebody has some suggestions, it would be nice.



I think Martin is planning on putting together a more thorough tutorial in the near future.

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Hi, yes. I am updating the docs so that it will be easier to understand the concept of the patch parsing. I had a very good talk with @four_corners yesterday. We tried to implement parsing of a few parameters of JX3P sysex messages together. That session gave me a really good insight in what could be hard to understand for some users. I will reflect that in the documentation.

The most important message here is that we plan to create a visual editor of the patch parsing. I have a pretty good idea how it could work.


Hi Pat,

I had a look at this. I am owning an Analog Four mk1 as well and could theoretically help with the patch parsing part. While the patch parsing in an Electra preset JSON is pretty straight forward, the biggest problem in this particular case here is that there is no Sysex documentation of the Analog Four.

So it would be necessary to reverse engineer the Sysex output of the device. It means that we would need to initiate a patch dump on the device and store the resulting Sysex response. Then we change a single parameter on the device and initiate another patch dump. Now, we can compare the two patch dumps. Ideally, we would see a change only in one byte or two bytes sitting next to each other. But depending on the complexity of the synth, it could also result in a different pattern.
This tedious work then needs to be repeated for each parameter on the synth.

Due to the complexity of the Analog Four and also because of the availability of Overbridge, I am afraid this is not worth the effort.

Hello, FYI:
Analog 4MKI with requests

Have a nice day.

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