Referring to current parameterNumber in sysex data

My preset for Triton has a bunch of controls with negative values as I had mentioned in an earlier thread. When I send parameter change for these, I need to split the negative value and send it in two bytes like below:

    "type": "value",
    "rules": [
        "parameterNumber": 1
    "type": "value",
    "rules": [
        "parameterNumber": 353,
        "parameterBitPosition": 7,
        "byteBitPosition": 0,
        "bitWidth": 1
    "type": "value",
    "rules": [
        "parameterNumber": 353,
        "parameterBitPosition": 0,
        "byteBitPosition": 0,
        "bitWidth": 7

Here, 353 is the current parameter number. While this works fine, it is a lot of manual effort to refer to the right parameter number in each sysex data (I have dozens of these). It would be super cool if there is a way to refer to the current parameter number or just leave it blank for the system to understand I am referring to the current parameter number (latter preferable, of course). That way, I just need to copy paste the same JSON on each control that supports negative values.

Alternatively, if I can do this in Lua, that’s awesome too :slight_smile:.