Toggle CC# instead of CC values?

Hi E1 people, I was wondering if there could be a way to toggle between 2 CC# instead of between 2 CC values with a Pad Toggle. Would anyone have a clue ?

I am afraid that this cannot be one without using Lua. I can create an example for you, but I need to know more about how it should work. Shall the Pad toggle send the message by itself? say, when switched from off → on it would send CC# 1 with value 1 and when switched from on → off, the CC #2 with value 1 would go out?

Thank you very much to consider reflecting on my request. Yes ideally the same Pad Toggle would be able to send CC#X with value a when ON and CC#Y with value b when OFF and the user being able to fill the fields for X, Y, a & b.

Hi Martin, I’m sure you have a lot keeping you busy these days but have you had a chance to create an example for this “upgraded” Toggle Pad ?

I imagine you’d have 4 faders then and one pad. 2 faders to choose the CC number, and 2 faders to choose their value 0-127.
Now, when do you want a message to be sent? Only when toggling the pad? Not when you change a CC number and not when you change to desired value?
Or should it be slightly more clever, i.e. when you change the MIDI value that corresponds with the CC number that was sent in the last message, then a new message may be sent as well?

That would give you the following: if you,ve toggled the pad so CC B is transmitted, tweaking the value fader of CC A would not result in any transmission. But the tweaking the value fader of CC B ( being the CC number of the last transmission) would result in MIDI message for CC B.

Thanks for your suggestion but as described above I’m only looking for a simple Toggle from a [CC# + CC value] couple to another [CC# + CC value] couple. Actually it could replace the current Toggle Pad by simply adding a ON # (parameter) and OFF # (parameter) field in addition to the already existing ON VALUE and OFF VALUE.

This is not complicated, it’s a good exercise in lua actually. I don’t have an E1 with me, and I’m on a holiday. So up to you: you wait for another 2 weeks and then I make such template, or I 'll guide you at ease through the process, in which you will have built the preset yourself.
What say you?

Thanks. I’d be happy to be guided to build the lua template however I would be available either late tonight, either tomorrow end of afternoon, what would be best for you ? Also, shouldn’t we do this via direct mail ?

As said I’m on a holiday . And travelling around. Not gonna plan in any meetings now :slight_smile:

The first step is quite easy: make a template with the five controls. Make sure they all are virtual, and they all have the desired CC number or CC value range.

For the pad, just ensure both toggle mode show whatever it is you want it to show.

Once that is done, send me your template and I’ll add a bit and explain the rest of how to add lua to add.