After the Notes Transmittor I’m building a preset for the Korg KingKorg, including patchrequest. So far I was able to catch the first 62 bytes of the regular SysEx patch request using the patch editor and gradually building the controls, functions and overlays for it, when suddenly (after a load) the preset didn’t work anymore without apparent fault, but with a lot of logging going on when loading the preset.
Reversing my steps was of no help. In the end I cleared all of the Electra One (middle button left while booting) but that did not help .
Usually (example taking from my Notes Transmittor), when I upload a preset in the Electra One, I get about a page of messages in the log viewer, with something like this:
20:18:16.442 loadLua debug output: 20:18:16.446 ---- START ---- 20:18:16.492 loadLuaModule: Lua extension file initialized: file=ctrlv2/p007.lua 20:18:16.494 ----- END ----- 20:18:16.496 lua: function onClock does not exist 20:18:16.497 lua: function onStart does not exist 20:18:16.499 lua: function onStop does not exist 20:18:16.500 lua: function onContinue does not exist 20:18:16.502 lua: function onActiveSensing does not exist 20:18:16.503 lua: function onSystemReset does not exist 20:18:16.504 lua: function onTuneRequest does not exist 20:18:16.506 lua: function onProgramChange does not exist 20:18:16.507 lua callback assigned: onAfterTouchChannel 20:18:16.509 lua callback assigned: onPitchBend 20:18:16.510 lua: function onSongSelect does not exist 20:18:16.512 lua: function onSongPosition does not exist 20:18:16.513 lua callback assigned: onControlChange 20:18:16.515 lua callback assigned: onNoteOn 20:18:16.516 lua callback assigned: onNoteOff 20:18:16.518 lua: function onAfterTouchPoly does not exist 20:18:16.519 lua: function onSysex does not exist 20:18:16.520 lua: function onMessage does not exist 20:18:16.522 displayPage: page shown: page=0, controlSetId=-1
The first three lines give me the indication the load is going well, correct?
But now my KingKorg preset is spitting out that many pages of logs, I couldn’t capture the beginning of the log anymore. In search of the potential reason of this, I started clearing out bits and pieces from the code and the controls, untill I cleared out almost everything: the whole patch editor is empty, all of the lua script is gone, and only… 6 controls remain.
With this reduced set of controls, I can now copy and paste the full log during upload:
20:28:14.541 Preset::getPresetName: name=Clone of Clone of Kingkorg v0.1 20:28:14.546 ElectraApp::reset: preset memory deallocated 20:28:14.547 free RAM: free=157880, heap=3200, lua=0, collision=0 20:28:14.548 Preset::load: file: filename=ctrlv2/p007.epr 20:28:14.578 Preset::parseRoot: name=Clone of Clone of Kingkorg v0.1, version=2, projectId=T4FWw9BFzDMKIh961DTz 20:28:14.586 parsePage: page created: id=1 name=Common 20:28:14.587 parsePage: page created: id=2 name=A / OSCILLATORS 20:28:14.588 parsePage: page created: id=12 name=Patch 20:28:14.598 parseDevice: device: id=1, port=1, channel=12, name=KingKorg, rate=0 20:28:14.600 > 66 [B] 20:28:14.601 > 132 [#] 20:28:14.601 > 7 [#] 20:28:14.602 > 1 [#] 20:28:14.603 > 0 [ 20:28:14.603 > 1 [#] 20:28:14.604 > 0 [ 20:28:14.605 > 1 [#] 20:28:14.606 > 24 [#] 20:28:14.606 > 65 [A] 20:28:14.607 > 2 [#] 20:28:14.608 > 0 [ 20:28:14.609 > 31 [#] 20:28:14.609 > 0 [ 20:28:14.621 > 66 [B] 20:28:14.624 > 132 [#] 20:28:14.626 > 7 [#] 20:28:14.627 > 1 [#] 20:28:14.628 > 0 [ 20:28:14.629 > 1 [#] 20:28:14.630 > 0 [ 20:28:14.631 > 1 [#] 20:28:14.632 > 24 [#] 20:28:14.633 > 64 [@] 20:28:14.643 Preset::parseOverlayItems: value=0, label=Mono1, bitmap.empty=1 20:28:14.644 Preset::parseOverlayItems: value=1, label=Mono2/retrig, bitmap.empty=1 20:28:14.645 Preset::parseOverlayItems: value=2, label=Poly, bitmap.empty=1 20:28:14.656 parseControl: id=37, name=VOICE ASSIGN, type=list (3), mode=0, colour=FFFFFF, controlSetId=1, variant=(null), visible=1 20:28:14.658 parseMessage: device=1, msgType=sysex (7), parameterId=37, min=0, max=0, value=0, offValue=-1, onValue=-1, lsbFirst=0, signMode=0, bitWidth=7 20:28:14.660 parseValue: id=value, index=0, defaultValue=0, min=0, max=0, overlayId=1, formatter=(null), function=(null) 20:28:14.662 parseControl: id=41, name=DIRECT, type=fader (1), mode=0, colour=C44795, controlSetId=1, variant=(null), visible=1 20:28:14.663 parseMessage: device=1, msgType=sysex (7), parameterId=43, min=0, max=127, value=0, offValue=-1, onValue=-1, lsbFirst=0, signMode=0, bitWidth=7 20:28:14.664 parseValue: id=value, index=0, defaultValue=0, min=0, max=127, overlayId=0, formatter=(null), function=(null) 20:28:14.665 parseControl: id=42, name=VIA JOYSTICK +, type=fader (1), mode=0, colour=C44795, controlSetId=1, variant=(null), visible=1 20:28:14.666 parseMessage: device=1, msgType=sysex (7), parameterId=44, min=0, max=127, value=0, offValue=-1, onValue=-1, lsbFirst=0, signMode=0, bitWidth=7 20:28:14.667 parseValue: id=value, index=0, defaultValue=0, min=0, max=127, overlayId=0, formatter=(null), function=(null) 20:28:14.668 parseControl: id=69, name=SELECT IT, type=pad (4), mode=1, colour=C44795, controlSetId=3, variant=(null), visible=1 20:28:14.669 parseMessage: device=1, msgType=virtual (0), parameterId=33, min=0, max=0, value=0, offValue=0, onValue=1, lsbFirst=0, signMode=0, bitWidth=7 20:28:14.670 parseValue: id=value, index=0, defaultValue=0, min=0, max=0, overlayId=0, formatter=(null), function=selectIt 20:28:14.672 parseControl: id=402, name=EG1 LEVL, type=fader (1), mode=0, colour=C44795, controlSetId=1, variant=(null), visible=1 20:28:14.673 parseMessage: device=1, msgType=sysex (7), parameterId=245, min=0, max=63, value=0, offValue=-1, onValue=-1, lsbFirst=0, signMode=0, bitWidth=7 20:28:14.675 parseValue: id=value, index=0, defaultValue=0, min=0, max=63, overlayId=0, formatter=(null), function=(null) 20:28:14.676 parseControl: id=420, name=244, type=fader (1), mode=0, colour=F49500, controlSetId=2, variant=(null), visible=1 20:28:14.677 parseMessage: device=1, msgType=sysex (7), parameterId=251, min=0, max=127, value=0, offValue=-1, onValue=-1, lsbFirst=0, signMode=0, bitWidth=7 20:28:14.679 parseValue: id=value, index=0, defaultValue=0, min=0, max=127, overlayId=0, formatter=(null), function=(null) 20:28:14.680 Preset::parse: successfully loaded preset: name=Clone of Clone of Ki, version=2 20:28:14.681 number of lua functions: 3 20:28:14.684 free RAM: free=155784, heap=5296, lua=0, collision=0 20:28:14.686 displayPage: page shown: page=0, controlSetId=-1 20:28:14.689 free RAM: free=154496, heap=6584, lua=0, collision=0 20:28:14.691 handleCtrlFileReceived: preset loaded: name=Clone of Clone of Ki 20:28:14.692 handleSysEx: lua script transfer initiated 20:28:14.694 displayPage: page shown: page=0, controlSetId=-1
It’s like it is spitting thepreset itself all over the log viewer , but I don’t get to see the loadLuaModule message anymore.
What has triggered this behaviour for this preset? How do I make it work again as intended (I cloned the preset before I started emptying its scripts…) so the preset works as designed again?
The connections are as follows on my windows10: