Disable MIDI activity indication for certain message types

At the time of writing this, MIDI activity for the individual ports is reported by flashing their label on the top of the screen.

It would be nice to be able to control which MIDI messages types would trigger the flashing of the labels.

A specific example would be to disable the reporting for active sensing messages.

Due to their periodic nature, they could easily become noise.

This could be configured either via the editor or via the Lua API:

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As mentioned here: https://forum.electra.one/t/flashing-midi-ports-in-status-bar-and-crashes-freezes/2855/10
Roland equipment seems to send Active Sense messages every 300ms. This leads to the status bar flashing making one think that there is MIDI activity, but is is a “midi ping” message that is mostly ignored/not-sent by almost all manufactures.

I would like to request a top-level fitter (perhaps on the Configuration → Midi Routing page) that allows one to ignore Active Sense messages.

Each Roland device will send this every 300ms. If multiple devices are connected, they will each send this message, every 300ms.