I am not able to make changes on the electra router.
I can modifiy the settings via the electra app, but when sending to the electra, I can see usb activity but the changes dont become active.
I have used all the electra ports in the app, but the problem persists.
I can only route from usb / host to midi 1.
Midi in 2 does not route anywhere.
My electra is v1 and im running the latest update available.
Any ideas?
Try uploading the following file to your Electra (using either MIDIOX or a Sysex Librarian). It is a default config file:
upload-config.syx (566 Bytes)
Once you upload it, your E1 should route messages from USB device / host 2 inputs to MIDI IO 2 output port. If not, please ping me on the PM. Thanks!