Enter table data into the E1 via the E1 itself in a resident way? Possible?

Some synths (like the Udo series, the P-6 , the OB-6) don’t have screens, so they can’t visualize patch names. Of course when I store them on an E1, that E1 then can show it to me, with every program change. But is there a way I could enter a new patch name into a table inside the E1 that then would stay resident in memory ? I mean, not while connected to a PC , but while operation independently ? So next time I fire up the E1, I could recall those names? That would be of tremendous help for UDO synths.

I have not considered such an option so far. The 4.0 features an on-screen keyboard, so the idea that there would be a way to allow text input from Lua could be done.

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I thought an upcoming feature was to be able to store a sysex dump 9or similar) file on the E1 (limited to 20k I think). In any case, this could be the place to store things like patch names, default configuration, etc.

yes. it is. It is called Captures. The initial version of the feature allows to record one sysex message to a snapshot like storage:

The data is stored in standard MIDI file format. Making it possible to extend the feature for recoring more message types and more messages with the timestamps in near future.

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