Eventide H3000 editor

Based on a lot of work initially done by John Richoux for the Max environment, I’ve decided to create an editor for the H3000.

It’s still in the early stages, but proof of concepts are panning out. I’m just posting here to see if there’s any real interest and to possibly line up a couple beta testers.

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Very interested and happy to help!

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Thanks, sent you a chat message here.

Wow… I am incredibly excited to see this post…

I have been working on H3XXX controllers for over a year. I wish I had posted on here sooner but I honestly didn’t think there was anyone else crazy enough to try and tackle this beast.

I just uploaded three WIPs… a Program Changer, and controllers for base algorithms #107 Reverb Factory and #116 Multi-Shift. All the expert controls have been mapped. We also added a “Patch Flow” page to each algorithm… which shows the controls arranged from left-to-right to follow the actual signal flow of the device. Because the H3XXX are essentially 24 distinct algorithms with shared controls, seeing the actual signal flow is quite cool, almost as if your were controlling the block diagrams in the manual.

We definitely need to link up. I have all the NRPNs mapped (including fixing many mistakes in the original documentation). We have already sunk hundreds of hours into this project, including some Max4Live patches to navigate presets and some deeper control into patching, soft functions etc.

Let’s do this! Check out the betas I uploaded and shoot me a message when you are free.


Glad to hear. I’ve been working with John Chiroux who did a lot of the mapping back in 2013 for a Max-based patch editor.

My big decision now is that if I define dedicated controls for every parameter for all algorithms, there’s not enough slots and pages for them all.

If I do it dynamically, there’s a lot of housekeeping that needs to be done.

I don’t want to duplicate effort and more help is better. I have the “request a patch”, “parse the dump” part down, so if you have questions, just ask. My power supply on my computer died yesterday and I’m traveling until end of next week, so I am not able to do much with any Electra stuff for a couple days

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This is a private work in progress, probably going to abandon this specific approach.

It does work for presets 100 through 107, if I recall.


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Have been eying the H3000 for so long now… This might help push me over the edge should a reasonable one crop up around here… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Has anyone tried the Eventide H3000 plugin vs the real thing? I’d love to have the hardware, but the plugin is a tiny fraction of the cost.

So, lots of weirdness, lots of discussions with @martin (I owe him a standalone debug version), but, if someone is interested, here is something that is what I’m think about.

H3000 early version
You need to turn Sysex ON in the MIDI area of the H3000
(keep pressing Function until you see MIDI Functions, then press Expert

NOTES - still early. Definitely OK with you trying to edit anything from Algorithm 100 to 104.
I enabled editing the lower/user save area stuff, and you can wander through algorithms above 104 with caution.

Still early, so feedback mainly for things like layout. I am still fighting the fact that coloring controls and moving labels around locks up the E1 (even w. the beta 3.7), so the screens look busy/weird/over-crowded, but in general, let know what you think.

After all, it’s only been 30 years since the H3000 was around for an editor to come out for it.

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Looks like now is the time to finally go and grab another Eventide as I sold my trusty SE some time ago… :slight_smile:

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Hi there,

We have all the bi-directional control sorted out for almost all algorithms, but recalling a preset to populate parameter values has be so difficult. Everything is working super smoothly, as we have completely bypassed using any SysEx for the bi-directional control, instead relying on the NRPN numbers. The main goal was to create a controller to create new presets with unlimited storage, so the controllers are basically ready to go as-is. But… being able to pull some of the presets to populate values would be a nice added bonus. However this obviously relies on parsing the dumps.

Since there are only 23 algorithms, and all 800+ presets are based on one of those 23… could we maybe combine our methodology to use NRPN for the actual bi-directional control and use your SysEx wizardry to recall the factory presets if desired?

We can also populate all the preset names and descriptions to help sort everything nicely in the UI or for other devices.

One last thing… have you figured out a way to do simple increment/decrement of values in the traditional NRPN way (or with SysEx). I am 99% sure that the H3000 does not support inc/dec… but if you have found a way, let me know!

Check out these two private betas for #107 Reverb Factory and #116 Multi-Shift:



Would you happen to be working with someone named Kyle out of the NYC area?

If not, never mind. I’ll take a look at the presets and send you a private message with my email and such and we can continue the discussion that way.

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Sounds good. By the way, now realizing we had used many of your posts for info on building a few of these presets, and understanding the Electra architecture. (Mainly the two’s complement handling for the negative NRPNs and some of the basic SysEx parsing.) Looking forward to linking up and tackling this beast. Like you said, it’s only been 30+ years, haha

Oh how I whish I had a H3000. But I managed to snag an H8000, so I guess I shouldn’t complain. They are not the same though, there is something to the warm (yeah I know, kinda meaningless buzzword) sound in the H3000 that is hard to replicate. I think it would be easier to replicate the H3K sound with the H8K than the other way around, though.

The H8K is a beast though! I mean, the thing can hardly simply be classified as an effects processor, as it is also a state of the art AD/DA, an awesome sounding analog front-end (line-amp), a signal/function generator and analyzer, a sample-rate and format converter, not to mention the insane VSIG software that I’ve just barely touched (yet).

I’ve yet to hear pitch-shifting done as cleanly and realistically as with the H8K; it can be a synthesizer, an 8-channel mixing console, an 8-channel parametric equalizer… and honestly, the most fantastic reverbs I’ve ever heard. I own a PCM96/81, but when it comes to otherworldly, ethereal, space-ey (as in what we imagine the sound spaceships sound like in space, the sci-fi stuff) reverbs… only some modern software comes close. It might not help an acoustic instrument blend like a Bricasti (not that I’ve tried the real one, basing my experience on IR’s) or Lexicons or Quantec Yardstick (again, based on IR’s)… but man, if one is into electronic music, this really is the machine I own that I’d carry with me out of a burning house.

It’s spring reverbs though… hehe. It does great saturation and analog drive in some of it’s presets, and not being a guitar guy I can’t speak too much for all the cabinets and overdrives etc…

There are few machines that have so easily given me results that just gives me that “hollywood sound design” feeling, so easily.

It is a pity it is so expensive, because if more people owned it, I’m sure we’d see many more great presets made in VSIG for it. I’ve yet to purchase the Italo presets, because I’m a cheapskate and they are kind of pricey. That said, so many of my favourite presets in this machine are made by him, so I’m sure they are well worth it. There’s just so many presets in the machine already.

The MIDI implementation in it is also really cool and flexible, and it apparently sends and receives very detailed and fully featured sysex messages so someone smarter than me could likely make an awesome E1 preset for it. I am quite happy with the software “editor” that works pretty well over the serial connection.

Sorry for the off-topic. Just trying to forget about my H3K itch, and how great this E1 preset for it is/will be, considering oldgearguy’s quality work.

I just can’t get over that “circular delays” patch I played around with on my friends H3K a whole night… While the pitch shifting in the H3K won’t win prizes for realism in 2024, it will in timeless beauty.

agree about the H8000. If someone said I could only own 1 effects unit, my choice would be the H8000FW. Fortunately, I don’t have to make that choice, but I will stand by that “if only 1” choice.

The front panel is decent to use and I happen to have an eveNET remote controller for mine, so there’s never been any motivation to develop another/different form of remote editor for the H8000.

FWIW, the beta H3000 editor now supports algorithms through 111. I’ve been trying to get each algorithm functionally complete (i.e. - each param exists and does what it is supposed to do). As time permits, I’m working through each one. Once I have them all functional, I’ll take a step back and look at the presentation/arrangement of each.

There’s some random/tricky aspects to some of the algorithms like with the tap delays and all pass delays can’t add up to more than 1450 ms and there’s a max value for the AP delays even if all the taps are at 0.

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I’ve done a bunch of things to the H3000 preset.
Still located at: H3000 beta,

it’s still private, still no save, still no editing of user presets, still no function generator.
Soft knobs are named on page 4, but values, patching still not there.

Actually, not 100% sure why I’m even commenting since this whole preset is quite crazy and full of weirdness. If you’re brave, take a look and see what you can see. Note that the Delay 1 and 2 in the Mod Factory algorithms (bottom 2 rows, near the left side) are completely whacked on my H3000. It would be nice if someone with another H3000 takes a look to see if the values display and edit normally.

Layouts, groupings, etc still very open for comment. Better than using the front panel, not as good as a full computer editor. Maybe the best answer is to just sell the H3000 and delete the preset.



ok, added renaming, added save, removed soft knobs.

Made it public. Definitely ugly, but mostly functional.

What I need to most is for people with different variations of the H3000 to try it and see how things behave. Very interested in specific things like ranges and if a save actually saves all the correct values.

There’s a fair amount of H3000 configuring to do to get sysex going, so the manual and questions to me will help w. that.

Also - you can save to all user areas directly, so careful - it will overwrite what is there. Factory patches cannot be overwritten of course.

Lots of areas that can be made much nicer. Given the current headaches, soft knobs, function generator, and other such things may come later or not at all. But - this should give you the ability to edit and save changes slightly easier than using the front panel.


just chiming in to say I have an H3000SE (although updated to 3500 interally minus the sample board). Would love a nice controller for it, and totally happy to test and report back!

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that is my combo as well. If you have time, please give it a try and let me know what you like/dislike/needs fixing/and so on.

I know the *_factory algorithms are just a parameter dump on screen with no attempt at organizing the parameters into some kind of logical flow. I wanted to make sure all the first-level issues like names, ranges, saving, etc were addressed properly first, then figure out how to position things and maybe add some basic graphics to improve the overall use.

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Ok will give it a go and report back when I have some time! I’m guessing this requires a midi handshake? I only ask cause I haven’t been feeding to much midi back into the Electra, but totally can.