Oh how I whish I had a H3000. But I managed to snag an H8000, so I guess I shouldn’t complain. They are not the same though, there is something to the warm (yeah I know, kinda meaningless buzzword) sound in the H3000 that is hard to replicate. I think it would be easier to replicate the H3K sound with the H8K than the other way around, though.
The H8K is a beast though! I mean, the thing can hardly simply be classified as an effects processor, as it is also a state of the art AD/DA, an awesome sounding analog front-end (line-amp), a signal/function generator and analyzer, a sample-rate and format converter, not to mention the insane VSIG software that I’ve just barely touched (yet).
I’ve yet to hear pitch-shifting done as cleanly and realistically as with the H8K; it can be a synthesizer, an 8-channel mixing console, an 8-channel parametric equalizer… and honestly, the most fantastic reverbs I’ve ever heard. I own a PCM96/81, but when it comes to otherworldly, ethereal, space-ey (as in what we imagine the sound spaceships sound like in space, the sci-fi stuff) reverbs… only some modern software comes close. It might not help an acoustic instrument blend like a Bricasti (not that I’ve tried the real one, basing my experience on IR’s) or Lexicons or Quantec Yardstick (again, based on IR’s)… but man, if one is into electronic music, this really is the machine I own that I’d carry with me out of a burning house.
It’s spring reverbs though… hehe. It does great saturation and analog drive in some of it’s presets, and not being a guitar guy I can’t speak too much for all the cabinets and overdrives etc…
There are few machines that have so easily given me results that just gives me that “hollywood sound design” feeling, so easily.
It is a pity it is so expensive, because if more people owned it, I’m sure we’d see many more great presets made in VSIG for it. I’ve yet to purchase the Italo presets, because I’m a cheapskate and they are kind of pricey. That said, so many of my favourite presets in this machine are made by him, so I’m sure they are well worth it. There’s just so many presets in the machine already.
The MIDI implementation in it is also really cool and flexible, and it apparently sends and receives very detailed and fully featured sysex messages so someone smarter than me could likely make an awesome E1 preset for it. I am quite happy with the software “editor” that works pretty well over the serial connection.
Sorry for the off-topic. Just trying to forget about my H3K itch, and how great this E1 preset for it is/will be, considering oldgearguy’s quality work.
I just can’t get over that “circular delays” patch I played around with on my friends H3K a whole night… While the pitch shifting in the H3K won’t win prizes for realism in 2024, it will in timeless beauty.