Eventide H3000 editor

Based on a lot of work initially done by John Richoux for the Max environment, I’ve decided to create an editor for the H3000.

It’s still in the early stages, but proof of concepts are panning out. I’m just posting here to see if there’s any real interest and to possibly line up a couple beta testers.

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Very interested and happy to help!

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Thanks, sent you a chat message here.

Wow… I am incredibly excited to see this post…

I have been working on H3XXX controllers for over a year. I wish I had posted on here sooner but I honestly didn’t think there was anyone else crazy enough to try and tackle this beast.

I just uploaded three WIPs… a Program Changer, and controllers for base algorithms #107 Reverb Factory and #116 Multi-Shift. All the expert controls have been mapped. We also added a “Patch Flow” page to each algorithm… which shows the controls arranged from left-to-right to follow the actual signal flow of the device. Because the H3XXX are essentially 24 distinct algorithms with shared controls, seeing the actual signal flow is quite cool, almost as if your were controlling the block diagrams in the manual.

We definitely need to link up. I have all the NRPNs mapped (including fixing many mistakes in the original documentation). We have already sunk hundreds of hours into this project, including some Max4Live patches to navigate presets and some deeper control into patching, soft functions etc.

Let’s do this! Check out the betas I uploaded and shoot me a message when you are free.


Glad to hear. I’ve been working with John Chiroux who did a lot of the mapping back in 2013 for a Max-based patch editor.

My big decision now is that if I define dedicated controls for every parameter for all algorithms, there’s not enough slots and pages for them all.

If I do it dynamically, there’s a lot of housekeeping that needs to be done.

I don’t want to duplicate effort and more help is better. I have the “request a patch”, “parse the dump” part down, so if you have questions, just ask. My power supply on my computer died yesterday and I’m traveling until end of next week, so I am not able to do much with any Electra stuff for a couple days

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This is a private work in progress, probably going to abandon this specific approach.

It does work for presets 100 through 107, if I recall.


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Have been eying the H3000 for so long now… This might help push me over the edge should a reasonable one crop up around here… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Has anyone tried the Eventide H3000 plugin vs the real thing? I’d love to have the hardware, but the plugin is a tiny fraction of the cost.