I consider buying an E1 MK2 to control plugins but, since I can’t try it before, I have a few important questions:
- Does the unit constantly update parameter values from the DAW to the hardware?
Example 1 : if I load the Diva plugin, then choose the Diva preset on the E1 (that I created before), is the current value of Diva’s cutoff frequency synced to the one of the E1 screen? I’ve watched a video and it seems like it’s not the case, which is quite surprising.
Example 2 : I use the DrivenByMoss script for controlling track volumes in REAPER. If I load a project that is already mixed (track 1: -12 dB, track 2: -3 dB, etc.), then load the preset from the E1, will these values (-12 dB, -3 dB, etc.) be reflected on the E1 screen and if I make a tiny movement to adjust track 2 from -3 dB to -2 dB, will the value instantly jump to - infinity?
- Is it possible to match the values of a plugin parameter to the ones of the E1 screen?
Example: cutoff frequency goes from 20Hz to 20 000 Hz in a plugin. If I create a parameter to control it, will I be able to put these bound values instead of 0-1 (or 1-100, etc.)?
- Can we adjust the curve of a given parameter? Is it just straight/logarithmic/exp or can we put a real curve?
Example: logarithmic for track volumes
Example: logarithmic for all EQ/filter frequencies
I saw it’s possible to show a parameter in full screen for fine touch adjustments. It’s great but I’m wondering if it’s possible to fine adjust with a knob and a “shift button”.
Can we just increment/decrement values with physical buttons? If so, is it possible to define precisely those values? If so, is it parameter-dependant?
I may have other questions later, but for the moment there are the ones that prevent me from pulling the trigger.
Thank you,