KnobConnector: Control any plugin with your E1 in REAPER 7

I’ve been working on a project for Reaper and Electra One users: KnobConnector. It’s a control surface plugin that organizes all parameters of a track’s plugin into a logical hierarchy, making it easier to navigate and control any part of your instrument or effect directly from the Electra One (mkII).

KnobConnector follows your currently focused FX in Reaper and adapts the E1 accordingly.

For example, here’s what the E1 looks like when u-he’s Repro-5 is focused:

And switching over to DMGAudio’s Compassion will make the E1 look like this:

This is the first preview version of KnobConnector, which I initially developed for my personal use case. I’d be really interested to see how others might use it or how it could fit into different workflows so I appreciate any feedback, whether it’s about bugs, suggestions for improvements, or new feature ideas.

You can find all the details in the manual.

I’d love to hear your thoughts! If you’d like to try it out, you can download the plugin for your platform below: (509.4 KB) (425.8 KB) (471.0 KB) (447.5 KB) (401.2 KB)

You’ll also need the KnobConnector E1 Preset.

Finally, here are some example (17.3 KB).


installed and tested. It works great. Thanks!

as a non-reaper macOS user I had to google the location of the UserPlugins. It is $(HOME)/Library/Application Support/REAPER/UserPlugins

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Thanks a lot for the feedback. I changed the manual’s setup section to include more details.

Version 0.9.0 is here with the following improvements:

v0.9.0 (2024-10-28)

  • ValueExpressions: Added a workaround for plugins (e.g., VCV Rack or Reason Rack) that only report normalized values (0.0 to 1.0) to the host. This allows defining mathematical expressions that calculate meaningful values for the E1 display.

    • Before:
    • After:
  • DynamicMaps: Added background scanning for parameters when modules are added or removed.

  • DynamicMaps: Improved the ParameterNames matching mode by detecting split module groups in parameters.

  • Navigation: Navigation state (selected module, submodule, and parameter view) is now remembered and restored during runtime for each plugin instance. This feature is limited to runtime only due to API constraints.

  • SteppedParameters: Fixed a bug that caused stepped parameters reported via the REAPER API to be overwritten by default range values in the plugin map.

  • Maps:

    • Add Madrona Labs Sumu (Early Access 1.0.0b20) map
    • Reason: Add Malström, Channel effects, Audiomatic, MClass effects and RV-7 maps
    • Reason: Add value expressions to MClass effects, Channel effects, COMP-01, CF-101, D-11, DDL-1, ECF-42, PEQ-2 and UN-16
    • VCV: Add value expressions for all VCV and Unfiltered Audio modules

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v0.9.0 changelog

@martin I cannot edit my initial post anymore. It’d be easier for others if I could continuously add the latest version to my initial post so they don’t have to look through the entire thread to find the latest one. Is it possible to make an exception for this specific thread to allow me to edit my original post?

Just a reply so you can continue your thread :slight_smile:

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Version 0.9.1 is here with the following improvements:

v0.9.1 (2024-11-24)

  • Fixed crash when trying to save navigation state of plugin without map
  • Fixed REAPER action states being ignored after reinitializing the control surface plugin

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v0.9.1 changelog

@martin Still cannot update my initial post to keep the links up-to-date there. Any idea why?

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Hi! Just want to say this is awesome. New to the E1 and picked it up just for Knobconnector. Been trying to set up a different controller for months and this seems be what I wanted the other to be but a whole lot easier. A breath of fresh air, so nice. Thank you!


Thank you for checking it out and the nice words!

What plugins do you want to use KnobConnector with?

Feel free to share your plugin maps!

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Too many to comprehensively list, but stuff like Filterverse, Transit, Recirculate, Vectomelt, Skydust 3D, I mess with a lot of them.

When I get some together, I will definitely share them here, just getting started with this. Thank you again for this gift.

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Whoops, I accidentally deleted this post. @martin any chance to bring it back?

Version 0.9.3 is up:


v0.9.3 (2024-12-05)

  • Fixed a crash when paging through parameters results in a parameter view starting with only hidden parameters for the current submodule

Known Issues:

  • Wrong submodule shown as selected when paging through parameters results in a parameter view starting with only hidden parameters for the current submodule
  • Overlapping groups when paging through parameters results in a parameter view starting with only hidden parameters for the current submodule
  • Paging through parameters sometimes fails to scroll the submodule view

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v0.9.3 changelog