Hi all,
I’ve been using @thetechnobear 's rad Preset2Instrument and Pyramid2Instrument python converters but seem to be running into some issues when I go to use these in the Electra One editor.
So, the import of the .eif seems to work well, and pre-loads the editor with the controls that are needed. When I drag one of these onto a page, one by one, it seems to start the ‘Parameter number’ field from 1,2,3. However, the .eif has the correct id set. Am I missing something? See below for an example of the eif for a Digitakt, with cc 81 as the correct id for “Amp Overdrive”
"id": "81",
"max": 127,
"min": 0,
"msg": "cc7",
"name": "Amp overdrive",
"type": "fader"
And here’s an example of the id not mapping through in the editor.
Thanks for your help, yall.