Link to a decent screen protector for the Electra One

Hi all,

Here’s a link to screen protector for the Electra One that I ordered and fits well, not affecting screen sensitivity.

Be sure to pick 154mm by 86mm.

154mm by 86mm Glass Screen Protector

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Strange, I’m getting a “page not found” message.


Hmm maybe it’s an issue with availability where you are, here’s the AliExpress product:

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Thank you! Appreciate it!

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No problem!

Because the Electra One screen is flush, the screen protector effectively makes the screen raised.

I don’t find this a problem though, as a protector means when I inevitably drop it or drop something on it, it has a better chance of survival :rofl:

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just a quick note on this. Electra has the screen protector fitted in. It is the glass that is flush with the enclosure surface. If it gets broken, only the glass needs to be replaced. We maintain a stock of spare ones.


Ah I see, so the screen is under the glass panel? So I’ve basically double-bagged my E1 :laughing:

Well, it’s probably for the best, I’m good at breaking things :rofl: