New Electra One protective cover

I recently contacted the company behind these felt synth and gear covers on Etsy to find out if they might make one for the Electra One. I forwarded the link to the hardware 3d model that Martin had previously posted here. Amazingly, they agreed to add it to their catalog, and here it is:

I have ordered one, and waiting it to be shipped the UK in a week or so time. I thought others here might want to try it out too. I will post a short review here when it arrives. Its not the same protection as something like a Decksaver, but looks like it will keep the main panel and display safe from dust and minor accidents / spillages.

Disclaimer - Michal from Wavetable has refunded me the price of my own cover as I helped to set it up. I have no other involvement or financial interest in this beyond that.


Thanks very much. Just ordered one!


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Brilliant, also just ordered one!


My Wavetable cover arrived today from Poland. It fits perfectly over the E1 knobs, exactly covering the top of the unit.

The bottom half sits slightly proud because of the raised E1 buttons underneath. But, the Oxi One cover I also ordered does the same thing, I don’t think that affects it at all. The main thing is that the screen and base of the encoders are completely covered, and I think it looks great too.


Ordered! Thank you very much.