Longtime experience with the Electra.One?

Hello everyone,

i just got my E1 last week and its a really incredible piece of controller. But in anyway its pretty nerdy, i think. Thats okay, i like nerdy things - but is it stable enough for studio work?

So i’d like to ask the community: Its okay to invest time to bring up things on its way, create presets, mapping, etc. … does anyone has any experience in using the E1 in a music studio and “allday” productions?

Absolutely! I use it in ‘all day’ studio work daily and also in live performance contexts. It would be strange for it not to fulfil this requirement… Of course there are times you may need to power cycle it if it freezes but it’s up and running and communicating within seconds when this happens. I am essentially only using it with fully custom UI lua scripts so the rare freezes that I do come across are only really occurring during development. Once a preset is solid and edge case bug free, I don’t experience freezes.

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Same here. When used for music making it is very stable. During preset making there might be an occasional restart needed. But it is doable without becoming annoying, certainly on a MkII. And the version backup ensure you are not losing your work.
The possiblities in combination with lua (yes, nerdy) allow it to create presets that get more out of synths than they were meant to do. Is a feature not often found on MIDI controllers.


Thanks for your comments.

I’ve only had the controller for a few days and of course I have to integrate the device into my setup first. A lot of things didn’t work straight away, which I was a little annoyed about at first.

Little by little, however, I’m getting to know the E1 and I find working with the device very, very good. It’s perfect for programming synthesizers and is an alternative to expensive controllers like the PG-800.

I would also like to control the D-550 with it, the Akai Miniak or Waldorf Rack Attack. There will still be a lot of work, but I think it’s worth it.

I will definitely take a look at Lua too. I can code in C, PHP and JS - that won’t be a problem.

There is a preset I made for the D-05. Should work on a D550 too. Perhaps with some tweaking

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I got my E1 in August. Out of the box it felt glitchy- knob values were stuttering regularly during normal use. I contacted support and they were extremely responsive- running a beta firmware, the problems have disappeared. I recently used the E1 for a small performance- it was solid!

Anyways, just mentioning this as the problem was related to a newer chip being used in newer units, that the beta firmware has adjusted for. Not sure what the status is with units they‘ve been shipping since, but there hasn‘t been a stable firmware update since April.