Lua script not subscribing to pot events still receives pot events

On the E1 mkII (v3.3.2), a lua script previously subscribed to pot events unsubscribing from pot events will still receive pot events.

  1. Load this preset: Electra One App
  2. Go to the debugger, set log level to “trace” and start touching the 12 pots - console stays clear!
  3. Go to the lua script
  4. Comment line 5
--events.subscribe (POTS)
  1. Comment line 11-13
--function events.onPotTouch(potId, controlId, touched)
  -- test
  1. Upload the script to the E1
  2. Go to the debugger, set the log level to “trace” and start touching the 12 pots - you’ll see the following error:
lua: function onPotTouch does not exist
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Please, check the new firmware version 3.4. It should be resolved there.

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Can confirm that the function isn’t being called anymore when commenting the subscribe-call after it was previously active.

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