I am struggling and need some help i think.
First i am struggling with programming logic
Then I need 3 controls .
I need a “sync/free” button that will switch position of a “quantized” control(fader) and a “time” control(fader)
“sync/free” = pad 1
“time” = Fader 1 (7bit)
“quantized” = Fader 2 (7bit)
Then pad1 is slot 1 >id 1
fader 1 is slot 2 >id 2
fader 2 is slot 3 >id 3
pad1 is a CC and his value is 0 to 127
when pad1 value is 0 then the fader 1 is shown and the fader 2 is hidden
and the fader 1 position is slot 2 and the fader 2 position is slot 3
when pad 1 value is 127 the fader 2 is shown, the fader 1 is hidden
and the fader 2 position is slot 2 and the fader 1 position is slot 3
How to do that !
i write thing is move other things but i can’t figure out how to writte things correctly
I figured out with the hideshow stuff thanks to blinker script and “:isVisible()”
i figured out how to move with the setBounds() function and some other scripts
i can’t figure out how to get the pad1 value . i tried with
local message = valueObject:getMessage (1)
Sync = message:getValue ()
print (.. "val : ".. Sync)
And it does not print the value…
And i can’t figure out how to make a correct structure of all this
Is someone can help me with a simple example ?
thanks !