No manual? And more Q

I only find the Learn Electra documentation online. It’s very well written but a PDF would be nice. I often print out manuals and read them in my bathtub. I find this the best way to learn something :blush:
I would like to know how easy or hard it is to make presets before i buy one.

So one preset is limited to 12 knobs? But switching preset to reach another set of parameters isn’t a dealbreaker…

I hope there is no coding involved when making presets!!? I suck at that kind of stuff. Sysex strings is my limit. Even there i have to fresh up my memory i haven’t done it in 15 years. Only thing i remember is F0 (start of message) (manufacturer ID) parameter then value and F7 (end of messege) well something like that :sweat_smile:

Last question, also wrote in another post. Knobs can be linked right? Controlling different parameters from the same knob. This is crucial imo.
Last crucial thing it must be capable of doing is sending midi to several devices from the same preset. One knob controlling volume on synth one and another decay on synth 2 etc.
I think this is my last question.
If there would be a proper manual for electra i wouldn’t had to ask all if this.

I found this really good info on S.O.S Electra One MkII

So yes it does knob combonations (?)

No need for scripting when making presets (?)

I can control over 432 parameters from one preset though 12 pages using the buttons on the sides. 36 parameters per screen.
I can control up tp 32 different devices from one preset!

The guy that wrote the artical said it was a learning curve but only for all the options available.

So if it’s not needed to use scripts to make presets how come people do? I mean what do i miss out not being capable of scripting/programming?

Also as there are no label on either knobs or buttons. In this case what do they represent? I mean there are more then 3 horizontal rows then push buttons and more parameters then there is knobs.

I don’t understand in what way knobs/buttons represents in the screen.

Hi @midihooker ,

I’m not an ElectraOne representative :slight_smile: But I may be able to answer some of your questions.

First of all how the Electra controls works. You have 12 knobs, and a screen of at maximum 36 controls. The screen is divided up in three sections of 12. The buttons on the left of the screen let you select which of the sections the knobs control. This allows you to control all 36 controls with the 12 knobs.

A preset can have up to 12 of these screens, called pages. A button on the right lets you select which page of the preset you want to see. So in total a preset (without any custom coding) can have 12 x 3 x 12 controls.

Whether presets involve code depends. First of all if you do not wish to do any editing at all, have a look at the preset library. Many people already made presets for devices. You often can load one of these into your Electra, sometimes with some minor customization on your end.

If you need something more specific or your device is not supported yet, there is a web editor that lets you use drag and drop to configure a preset. This will involve some MIDI knowledge, as you need to say how each knob sends data to your device over MIDI.

Finally you can go much deeper, adding your own code via Lua to your preset. One of the strengths of the Electra is this flexibility.

For example, you could write code that performs the linking you want. People at the forum are very helpful and if you ask nicely I am sure you will get some help if you get stuck.

You can indeed send to multiple midi devices from a single preset.

PS: I think the manual of the Electra (online) is pretty good, but that’s subjective. Have a nice year’s end!


My midi knowledge is superb :blush:. I bought my first synthesiser as a 12 year old in the late 80ies.

I use to even write sysex some years ago.

Thanks for a well explained answer :blush::blush::star_struck: