Offline editor?


I don’t want to be pessimistic or whatever, but I am wondering what would happen if someday the company fails. Since the app is online, there would be no way to keep using the E1 as we do today.

Maybe it already exists (sorry if it’s the case), but I think that an offline installer would be a great addition to the sustainability of the product.

What do you think?

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All the software and firmware is openly available on GitHub: electraone (ElectraOne) · GitHub

Thank you very much Moss. This is very good news. Maybe that link should be present in the official documentation?

But seemingly only for the mk1, or am I missing something?

It will be available for mk2 too. I just need to get rid of Renesas software source code bits before I can make it open source. I keep myself busy with working on that.


You have my sympathies–code cleanup just isn’t that much fun. :slight_smile: Thanks for your efforts!

i understood the original poster meant the web app to manage and upload presets, not mainly the firmware.
I did not find that on github - did i miss something?

(actually very great, I didn’t even know the software is open source! :wink: )

Here you go.

yes, i know that address. it’s the first link posted at the start of this thread :wink:

there are many repositories, firmware etc., but none that I identifies as the web app for managing the device and presets as the original poster asked for.

There is something called “midi controller” - but from the readme I dont really understand what it does and how to build it, for which OS it will work etc.

Is that a management app? Can I build and run it on Linux or do I have to use it on Mac?


the web editor application lives in a private repository. It is not a simple editor application, it also implements the cloud storage of presets, user accounts, etc. We are not planning to make that opensource. We are, however, working on a new version that can be bundled as an ElectronJS app and that will handle both online and offline operation. The alpha version for testing, providing limited functionality, will be available rather soon.

Note, our preset editor application uses SysEx calls and JSON API as it is described at There’s no extra magic behind that. Anybody may want to experiment with that.
