This is a preset for the Cherry Audio PS-20 VST that was released a week or so back. It’s a Korg MS-20 inspired synth, sounds pretty good and doesn’t cost much! Mapping cannot be exported from the synth itself so you’ll have to do that yourself. But that’s not too much work.
A few quirks which I’ll report to Cherry Audio; the pitch knob of VCO cannot be set to 0 when its mapped to the E1. I’d presume the value should be either 63 or 64, because 0 is in the middle. But both values make the pointer go off center, either left or right. When you use a fader, the motion isn’t smooth in the middle.
And the big horizontal slider for the voice assignment cannot be mapped, there’s no MIDI learn option.
Check it out here:
And the Cherry Audio page is here: