Relative Binary Offset mode has no graphic control change

When setting a CC to Relative (Binary Offset) mode, the control just sits at zero even though its sending the correct relative CC info. I’ve tried coding things but nothing i do can let me have the control change value when turned. Nothing is even printed from the function I call mapping to the rotary assigned the relative CC. Anyone know how to make a relative dial control move and fill in as you turn the rotary?

The relative controls do not maintain the internal absolute value. Instead they rely on the external party (software or hardware) to set their visual value upon receiving the relative CC message. Setting the visual value as well as the value “text” can be done using a sysex message sent to the Electra One or using the Lua. Do I believe that DrivenByMoss and @jhh’s Ableton remote script are using that. I will post an example when I have a moment.

Indeed this is how the Ableton remote script does it

Thanks!! If there is Lua code to do this it would be better for me as there is no display on the other end. This is setting an internal parameter on the target. Electra One will be the display. But I might get back the relative CC (will be 65+/63- and 127 for changes) - so need to change that control’s display in Lua.