Relative control type not found in documentation

Just a heads up, I could not find this type of control in the documentation, although I could nicely use it (and it is very useful).

How do you use it? Can you give some use cases?

Hi, yes for example I am currently building a module for VCV Rack for the Electra, and I want to control endless encoders in the rack.

When using the current implementation, the knob does not keep up when turning it fast, it is only able to map what is on the screen 1 to 1 when turning slowly. Sending out higher change values as intended will fix this.

Same for controlling the VST plugin I am working on, I cannot correctly map endless encoders with the relative control.

Quickly moving a knob left or right is something that we intuitively do, and when it does not map correctly, it breaks the illusion that you are actually controlling the knob on the screen or the instrument.

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What is the range of values? I’ve found that sometimes it’s the receiving gear that can’t keep up when spinning an E1 encoder quickly (MIDI stream gets backed up) so it looks like the two are not in sync