USB Disk mode not working any more in Win11

Thank you Martin! This worked for me perfectly. Tiny bit of a hassle with all the screws but worked like a charm. I tried usb drive after 3.5 and still same result but at least I have a way to update it now.

I know it may not be needed but just curious…can this sd card be upgraded? :slight_smile: heheh I always have a mod/upgrade mentality.

Thanks again!

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yeah, you can replace it with another card. The current firmware uses 32bit addressing though. ie. cards (or partitions) over 4GB will not work correctly. Till this very moment, we think that 4GB of data should be enough for a MIDI controller :slight_smile:

All mk2 has also an option to be extended with a CME WIDI Core module. The feature is tested but not fully supported in the firmware. It is something for times when everything else is completed :slight_smile:


Getting similar results on an Win11 machine that’s previously been used to update the E1. Drive shows up very briefly in My Computer, and if I’m fast/lucky I am in time to open it, which it does, but trying to navigate further into the directories to leave my new firmware file in has been unsuccessful.

Guess the lid’s going off then. Don’t violate my warranty =)

Edit: Lid off and on again, E1 on latest FW. Glad the SD-card wasn’t on the far side of the PCB! phew

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