I am working on this preset:
The goal is to control 2 Pioneer AS-1 synths at the same time.
So for synth A and B a separate Device Identifier is created.
This works OK for the NRPN controls.
But when I request a “Patch” both synths are updated.
The AS-1 does not have its Midi channel in the sysex.
You can request the Globals which shows the Device its midi channel.
Am I right that Sysex is not channel bound?
If that is the case how can I make the patch to be parsed only for the synth I
This is the response header
"header": [ "00","40","05","00","00","01","08","10","0F"],
What if I add a function to disable ( corrupt ) the response header for the synth I do not want to update?
“header”: [ “00”,“40”,“05”,“00”,“00”,“01”,“08”,“10”,{ “type”: “function”, “name”: “switchSynth” }],
Any Ideas on this?