Ableton Live MIDI Remote Script / Control Surface

Thanks, I’ll have a look later today.

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Ok, I think I found the problem. (Actually, it’s two)

  1. In, you use the name of the TRACK (“Instr G 1” and “Instr G 2”) to store the preset, but the remote script uses the name of the instrument rack (“Instr G”) to lookup the preset. So use the name of the instrument rack to store the preset in
  2. But careful: the name of the instrument rack ends with a space (so it is called "Instr G "), so remove that space too!

Hope this works

Hi Jaap,
Grmf…no improvement after corrections. Do you still see a space?

I understand that it is the name of the rack that is called by the script.
I renamed the lead and bass tracks. I saved the presets in the live library but nothing changes.
Does the operation work for win / mac user? another curiosity mac vs win?

The extra space I saw was in at the end of the name of the rack as entered in Live. You only really see it when you try to rename it.

I would like this space to be the error… but I don’t see it anymore :face_with_peeking_eye:
Also ,I think I made a mistake in the previous Setlive …sry.

To start again on a good basis, I redid the Setlive.
debug instrument group (125.0 KB)

I added a max rename effect and this one works correctly with e1!

Hm… I’ve looked at the logs you provided and it looks like at least in the last selection you made (selecting the “Mini V3” device within the “Instr G 2” rack) did indeed load the the predefined preset in for “Instr G 2”.

From your log:

2023-03-22T09:41:17.884537: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): --- Device Instr G 2 selected. Now appoint it.
2023-03-22T09:41:17.884587: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): --- \ Set as appointed device (unappointed if none).
2023-03-22T09:41:17.892514: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): - Assigning device Instr G 2
2023-03-22T09:41:17.892561: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): - Uploading device Instr G 2
2023-03-22T09:41:17.892576: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): -- Getting preset for Instr G 2.
2023-03-22T09:41:17.892588: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): -- Predefined preset found

So it seems to work as intended. (You never seem to select the Mini V3 on the first track; all selections I see are for the InstrumernRack itself, or the max device)

In fact the log does not reflect what I do in live.
In practice, it’s when I click on the vst mini V 3 in the rack that “Instr G 2” is loaded on E1
For me the E1 preset “Instr G 2” should be loaded when I click on the instrument rack that I renamed “Instr G 2” in live and not create an “InstrumentGroupDevice” dump.

Ah…now I understand. Let me think about how to cater for this.

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Yeah !Thank’s a lot @jhh !

A new version of the Ableton Remote Live Script is available on Github. It requires firmware 3.1.5. Using that, it uses a better way to show/hide controls based on certain other control settings (e.g. depending on Sync settings show either frequency or rate controls). Thanks @martin for fixing this in the firmware.

Better still: this version fully supports a dual E1 setup where one E1 controls the currently selected device and the other E1 controls the mixer. See the README for how set this up.


The latest version of the script just pushed to GitHub should fix this issue.


Hi @jhh ,
It’s progressing ! E1 recognizes well instrument rack rename!
After updating the firmware to 3.1.7 new instability appears under windows:
The change button does not work properly.
Plugin to mixer ok. but mixer to plugin bug.
When I am on alt mixer and I have to select click the device,
E1 loads the preset well but does not update the values of the plugin controls on loading and value jumps occur.
But, after 1 press on the change button, the values of the plugin controls are updated.
Keeping the scrypt up to date isn’t easy…
Can we imagine a good stability of the scrypt with the MK 2 in the future?
I know that E1 was not thought of as the basis for Ableton.
Simplifying the creation of ableton plugin preset with E1 app would be great and above all a commercial asset because competition on this market will arrive quickly after what I have read…!!!
I don’t know if this is the direction @martin wants or can take :face_with_peeking_eye:?

cdtl bobmo

Hello ! What do you mean ? What have you read ?

Arf…randomly while browsing the web I came across a kickstarter project for a nice midi controller based on ableton live, created by a young team. For the moment it does not have the programming power of the e1 the knob is not infinite …

Yes, @jhh and I are already touched the topic and we are going to discuss how to make whole Ableton experience easier.


Cool ! I understand that developing a dedicated script takes time. Thanks @martin !

Hi @bob I think I found the problem (indeed caused by a recent code change).

I purchased a secondhand Windows laptop specifically for testing the remote script under windows and saw the same behaviour as you do.

Thinking about a fix…


in the case of “preloaded reverb” the reflect, predelay, decay control do not work.

Fixed; apparently Ableton renamed parameters internally (sigh); still need to check with other presets…


Ok, the fix was a bit of work (undoing some changes I made for dual-E1 mode to work), but I believe it now works again as intended in all modes.

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