Ableton Live MIDI Remote Script / Control Surface

In my log file it says loading preloaded preset failed, i wonder if that’s that cause of the slowness. Is there a way to resolve this?

2024-01-12T14:29:03.650226: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): ** Upload thread starting…
2024-01-12T14:29:03.726716: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): - Main receive MIDI called.
2024-01-12T14:29:03.726779: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): – Processing incoming SysEx.
2024-01-12T14:29:03.767198: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): ** Loading preloaded presdet failed; revert to upload.
2024-01-12T14:29:03.777791: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): - Main receive MIDI called.
2024-01-12T14:29:03.777860: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): – Processing incoming SysEx.
2024-01-12T14:29:14.223801: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): - Main receive MIDI called.
2024-01-12T14:29:14.224161: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): – Processing incoming SysEx.
2024-01-12T14:29:14.224221: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): - Main receive MIDI called.
2024-01-12T14:29:14.224260: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): – Processing incoming SysEx.
2024-01-12T14:29:14.525271: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): - Main receive MIDI called.
2024-01-12T14:29:14.525401: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): – Processing incoming SysEx.
2024-01-12T14:29:14.563266: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): ** Upload thread requesting MIDI map to be rebuilt.
2024-01-12T14:29:14.563321: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): ** Rebuilding MIDI map requested
2024-01-12T14:29:14.563336: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): ** Upload thread done.

Sorry for my monologue: I found the cause of slowness when loading a custom preset. I need to manually upload my aalto-.epr and .ccmap to the hardware in the ctrlv2 folder to avoid uploading it to the device whenever aalto is selected. Is this documented somewhere? If my approach is acceptable for speeding up the loading process, I am happy to help with adding it to the document (btw. I can’t find the instruction for makedevices anymore, is it still on the github page?)

The documentation of makedevices is here ElectraOne/ at main · xot/ElectraOne · GitHub

Documentation on preloading is in the readme ElectraOne/ at main · xot/ElectraOne · GitHub and in ElectraOne/ at main · xot/ElectraOne · GitHub

Note that ccmap does not need to be uploaded to the E1, but any lua (Aalto-.lua) must.

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Uploading a custom preset should not take more than a few seconds, so if it is slow it is important to somehow figure out why.

This might be related to the slowness observed on my E1 - E1 shows a dark screen when I select a rack or a VST without predefined presets stored in the hardware. In Log.text it stuck at this line:

2024-01-19T16:34:43.412524: info: RemoteScriptMessage: E1 (debug): – Processing incoming SysEx.

Here are some example screenshots:
Selecting an Audio Rack

Selecting Kontakt:

Selecting Oxford Reverb Native:

Oxford Reverb Native for example, took around 13 minutes to load the default view (the view for plugings without custom presets)

Do you know what might be the cause and how can I solve this issue? Thank you in advance!

Can you set


in, restart Ableton, test again, and send me the log file? This gives me more information that could help debug this.

Hi @jhh I just changed the config file as you suggested and restarted Ableton. However, now it’s working fine again. I will keep the config setting and report back if it happens again.

Considering the Electra One and – is there no video of how this script works? I’d love to be able to see even a short clip about how things work with the Electra One in Ableton.

How’s the script in its current state? I gather that autopopulating parameters works now? Anything major still missing?

Thanks everyone, and hi :slight_smile:

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The script is pretty polished with most functionality implemented as described in the README. Nothing major missing persé, although I do have ideas for future versions :wink: No video unfortunately; perhaps should make one…


Thanks for clarifying things up!

So. I made the jump!

Loving it so far. I’ve created/modified a bunch of presets for Fors devices already.

Just two questions:

  1. The first one is related to the quote - is this still on the cards, switching devices from the E1?

  2. Another - Seems that on the script, touching the encoders prevents you from using the left buttons to change focus. Is this something that can be changed by myself?

Thanks, what a wonderful script. Feels like I have a bunch of new almost-hardware synths now :slight_smile:


when knobs are touched, the left side buttons changed their function. They can be used to display full screen version of the control and switch active parameter for mutli-parameter controls (envelopes). At present time there is no way to disable that :frowning:

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Thanks for letting me know!

It might be nice to be able to disable the feature. I’m thinking, for instance, of live performances, where you’d have to do some ’hot knobs’ action to reliably switch knob focus :slight_smile:

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Yes, but for a later major update. Stay tuned!

Thank you!

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I’ve been manufacturing presets - working on the Fors suite of M4L devices. It’s going to be nice!

One issue: A device called Glänta does not populate a preset for me. Is it because of the scandinavian letter, or some other issue? If I rename the ‘container’ instrument rack to Glanta, it populates macro controls for me, but the actual M4L device doesn’t yield anything even if I rename that one to Glanta.

I can try and troubleshoot if there’s something specific I could try.

You did add a hyphen (-) to the preset name that you manufactured? If the rack is called Glanta and you select a plugin inside it, then the remote script loads the preset named Glanta- to manage the plugin.

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Yes, I did. Actually, even opening Glänta all by itself, without the instrument rack, does not populate a preset.

Hm. What name for the preset does the E1 show at the bottom of the screen (in the middle of the grey bar)?