Bi-directional Control of Ambika / Shruthi with NPRN?

Hey monkeyman, thanks for trying out the preset!

Just tested - I have no problems with freezing on the Electra with firmware 2.1.6…

I have connected the Electra to the Ambika via Ableton (one track from Electra to Ambika and another from Ambika to Electra)… On the Ambika I set Input to all “. . . .” and Output to “cont” so only the controls are send back to the Ambika. I have the latest YAM firmware on the Ambika.

On the Electra all input is going/coming on Midi Channel 1. Maybe you watch with a Midi Monitor (mac) if any other Midi channels recieve the Ambika and Electra output and send it back to the Electra so that you have a midi loop? The easiest way to try if the preset works is to connect the Ambika directly to the Electra and use the USB only for power…

Hope you get it to work :slight_smile: