NEW VERSION 4 CASIO VZ 8M - now available for testing
Full Patch parsing is present on the patch and it allows you to change all voice parameters (except effects), including the modular ones
Controls have been moved a bit though.
From version 3 to version 4 some 80 lines of code have been added. I do hope it’ll work on Mk1.
(Next version will contain ‘harmonic’ parameters and Effects settings - display only).
I hope I’m halfway now of where I want to get.
Performance: patch browser + global settings + name
Routing: sets the line set-up, waveforms, vibrato and tremolo. Color scheme to understand the algorithm faster:
- White: sound output
- Blue: phase modulator
- Dark blue : 2nd degree phase modulator
- Yellow: ring modulator
- Brown: 2nd degree ring modulator
Pitch: Pich Envelope Key Follow settings
- Subsequent equal levels colour dark
Pitch Env:
- Sustain step colours blue
- End step will hide unused steps
- Subsequent equal levels colour dark
All Modules: on/off, amp sens & env depth per module in one page
Module: all module parameters, except the envelope
- Equal KF levels colour dark
Module env: module envelope parameters
- Sustain step colours blue
- End step will hide unused steps
- Subsequent equal levels colour dark
- Rates are shown inverted as time
Monitor: only for debugging purposes