Change E1 Preset via MIDI

Hi there, how do you remotely set up the Preset ?
This seems to be lacking the info : External MIDI control | Electra One Documentation

I think you need to upload a config file using Electra One App
Haven’t tried it yet.

@martin could you perhaps give an example how to use midiMessage: control change (CC) or program change?

Below I got from Martins github: [ at master · martinpavlas/ · GitHub]

The first entry is to switch a Page to page 1 with midi note 36.
The rest event names are well named and it should be obvious what they do. switch to the next page, a specific page, a specific preset or the next preset.


Here is the full file [midicontrol.cfg] .
Edit it to your need and give it a try.


I found this info in the dev documentation helpful:

To use CC 7, Value 1 from the CTRL port just type:


To use a program change 1 from the CTRL port:


See also this thread:

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hehe, I was writing a message about that :slight_smile: but just discarded it.

Yes, that that thread describes how to upload the config and the document @studiobischof mentioned provides full info on the Configuration file format.


Ja, edited my half baked reply :wink:

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Thank you !
It seems easy to get it working. (although, that could be much more user friendly to set this up from the web editor)

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