I’d like to change my E1’s pages and presets from a midi controller I have plugged in to my computer (Elgato Stream Deck). I can tell it send any message to the Electra Control port, and I guess the mac will route it as expected. But on the docs page there is no reference to which messages perform which functions ( External MIDI control | Electra One Documentation )
Am I correct in expecting this to work, despite the docs only making reference to directly
Is there a list anywhere so I don’t have to find out by trial and error?
It is important to say, that the MIDI Control has been so far designed to work with MIDI controllers connected to Electra’s USB Host port. It should be, however, fairly easy to add support for USB device port. I will add that onto the development todo list. It can be done in next minor release. I expect it to be released quite soon as there will be definitely fixes to be released.
That might come in handy when selecting a track in ableton and then sending out a program change to Electra from that track to change the preset to the synth that is on that track
and sending program changes from any midi controller accordingly, via MIDI USB, no need to use the host plug.
In my MIDI controller I selected to sent the program change to the E1 virtual CTRL midi port.
I am trying to use E1 as (one of several) controllers for a VST/AU host used for live performance purposes. Running some proofs of concept in order to verify there is no dead end at some later stage,
Hope to be able to share my results in this forum soon.
Loving the E1 so far!
yeah, I need to adjust the documentation. It is not limited to the USB host only any more. Instead, the control messages are accepted on the CTRL port (available on USB device and USB host interfaces)