I’m working on an editor for Deepmind 12 and the effects. If I select TC-DeepVRB in Electra, it sends out an NRPN of 22. But in the LUA code, it jumps wrong. It jumps to 1. What have I missed? The position in the list is 1 so my question is, is value in LUA the position or the value in the list? Why don’t I write the list in numerical order? Because Deepmind sends out the values in this order.
@Electrolove - Hello, did you ever manage to get your Preset for the Deepmind FX working?
I just got an MK2 and starting to dive into making a very similar preset for my Deepmind
Hello. I’m almost at the finish but I drove the Electra at the bottom so I got some tips from Martin on how to do it. Talk to Martin and he will explain much better than I what is required. Thank you for your interest. Feel free to get in touch again if you have any questions.
@Electrolove works on the preset that exceeds anything I could imagine:) The total size of the preset and the lua script is somewhere around 1.5MB in size. That does not fit in our cloud storage database (firebase firestore). We need to make adjustments on the backend. In order to allow @Electrolove to continue his work on it, the Lua script was split into several Lua modules and saved on E1’s internal storage manually. I can provide info on how to do that, but it might be better to wait for the update of the service.
Do you have any idea how long it takes to fix a new (bigger) backend and increase the id numbers so that there are more than 255 ids, approximately?
Thank you for the update Martin.
I can wait for the backend to get updated and the Preset from @Electrolove to get uploaded to the Preset Library. I look forward to seeing it as well as learning from scripting. Any thoughts on how long that might take?
@Electrolove - when you setup your DM12 preset, did you go with CC,NRPN or SysEx control?
Just curious as I look deeper into the documentation and how I would like to use the controls with my MPC + Recorded Automation.
@mlanghausen I only use NRPN because there are so many parameters I want to be able to control. Especially in the effect part, which is huge.
@Electrolove thank you! It looks like when using NRPN with any sort of automation on the same track in the MPC One conflicts with one another and values get over written. Definitely odd results.
Is that the expected behavior when using NRPN?
Or is there a way to stop the conflicts as they data is send in chunks of 4 all sharing the same CC Slots.
@mlanghausen I can’t answer that - is there anyone else here on the forum who knows?
Nrpn support is bad in most DAWs because you need to track which cc values belong together (over simplified). Probably not different for the mpc
Thank you! @markus.schloesser - From what I saw when doing a quick test, Once I try to automate parameters tied to NRPNs or try and change multiple values at once, the messages get wonky and you get glitchy results as well as automation data that overwrites other data.
Looks like this is because the NRPN information is sharing the same 4x CC Lanes for all messages. I will just work with a combination of SysEx and CC and stay away from NRPN