I wanted to upload a very simple preset using the development sandbox (Electra One App) to get started with my development adventures.
"schemaVersion": 2,
"id": "W5Hb2EuMVTWHBTGXaEKy",
"name": "THE Preset",
"description": null,
"lua": "",
"id": 1,
"name": "Generic MIDI",
"instrumentId": "generic-midi",
"port": 1,
"channel": 1
"id": "f98677a5-4557-416b-b0b5-baff9080d3a9",
"slotId": 6,
"type": "vfader",
"deviceId": 1,
"name": "yeah",
"categoryId": "faders",
"type": "cc7",
"min": 0,
"max": 127,
"parameterNumber": 1
"visible": true
"id": 1,
"name": "Page 1"
"firstPageId": 1
But my device complains: File transfer failed, please retry
The casual preset manager app is working with this preset so my guess is that the sandbox is just not compatible with the latest firmware. Or am I missing something?
I want to avoid re-uploading a preset to the app every time as I want to dive deep into the preset format and I’m expecting a lot of trial and error. What’s the latest state of the art for playing around?
My context:
Chromium based browser (Vivaldi 5.2.2623.48) on MacOS 12.13.1 ARM