Electra with Logic Pro X


Just received my Electra (thank you Martin!) and now I am trying to integrate it into my system. I have a MacBook Pro running Logic Pro X, and among my VSTs is TAL-J-8, for which there is a preset. I have been able to connect my Electra to my MBP via USB, and load the J-8 preset, but I need some kind of newbie advice as to how to get all of this to work, i.e. get the Electra to connect to Logic X. When I open AudioMIDI Setup (in Mac Utilities), the Electra is already detected and there. So would someone please help a Midiot get this working with Logic?

My overall plan is to connect the Electra only to my MBP, and control VSTs and outboard synths with the Electra thru my laptop. Thank you!

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Not sure if this is information that you already know, but just to be sure:
You need to learn the VST which knob controls which parameter. You can do that through MIDI learning. It takes a few minutes to do all parameters. And mind that there is an Upper and Lower button so a knob like Cutoff actually has two controls in the E1 template. This is the most important section from the J-8 manual for this:

Unfortunately you cannot export the config from the J-8, so you cannot import someone elses’ config. But once it is set up it works a charm.


Unfortunately you cannot export the config from the J-8, so you cannot import someone elses’ config. But once it is set up it works a charm.

AHA! That’s my problem right there, I assumed everything was completely pre-configured as part of the preset. It makes much more sense now, thank you!

Right now I am working with a very simple system, Electra connected to MBP, CME XKey controller connected to MBP.


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