I love the detail view of the Envelope, that visual feedback is just wonderful. Would it be possible to create a display function so that two envelope details could open simultaneously? Very frequently you may want to adjust both the VCA envelope and the VCF envelope at the same time. You could then have the top row of four center knobs assigned to the “upper” envelope, and the bottom row assigned to the “lower” envelope respectively. This would be très cool…!
I am now going to extend this request- it would be great if there was a permanent graphical Envelope detail view that took up 4 spaces. I am starting to re-do my presets with a “quick access” page, and quickly adjusting envelopes with the graphical interface would be a great benefit.
It could look like this, if we could allow freedom in the amount of columns (from 1 to 6)
- each column could be then assigned to one of the EG’s parameters
- the EG would be stretched over as many columns the matrix is wide or as many columns the EG has at its disposal, whatever is smallest
An ADR assigned to 4 columns, yet the EG only has 3 values
A DX7 EG with fewer columns than its has values. For the latter it remains vital you can click through for more details