I have been playing with V5 all day, and it works great. Thank you!
V5 has an issue with MIDI loopback through my sequencer that caused crashes. V4 did not cause this problem, and still works fine. But that is not your fault, and with the loop removed, V5 is good.
Both the Multi section patch name display and the auto-dismissal of the ‘DATA DUMP COMPLETED’ message when selecting singles and multis, make a big improvement to the workflow. Much appreciated.
The output page gives a very useful visual overview of Output submixes. This was sorely lacking on the front panel. It is also nice to have left and right panning the correct way round, which the front panel value inexplicably reverses with +7 for hard-left and -7 for hard-right.
I did find a few bugs/possible issues:
The editor output page does not appear to make adjustments that are immediately audible. The K4r needs the output patch saved and the single/multi reloaded before the sound changes to reflect the output edits.
As an example, editing the submix panning with the K4r front panel controls give an immediate change in the sound.
Editing with the controller, the parameter value changes on the K4r. But the sound does not change until output patch is saved and the single/multi reloaded with the performance/multi page ‘SELECT’ button.
There is a bug where, if the GO TO OUTPUT button on the performance page is used, on returning to the performance page the OUTPUT, OVERALL VOLUME and SUBMIX CH. all have incorrect values. Recalling the patch with the SELECT button will restore the correct values.
For example:
Select SIA-6 FolkGuitar.
Performance page output values are:
Output - 1
Overall Volume - 72
Submix Ch. - A
Press the ‘GO TO OUTPUT’ button.
Make no edits, but return to the performance page.
The output values have changed to:
Output - 5
Overall Volume - 0
Submix Ch. - E
Pressing ‘SELECT’ restores the correct values.
The GO TO PATCH button memory location behavior described in my previous post, is still there. The easiest way to deal with it is to dismiss the DATA Dump message with the Single button, and then press SELECT on the Performance page to go to the correct patch. This always works. Pressing SELECT two or more times before the Single button is not at all reliable.
The GO TO PATCH button on the Output page may be a liability if someone is editing a Single patch and presses it, not knowing that it will change the patch. All their edits would get replaced by the Multi selected-section patch values, and with no apparent way to recover them.
This could happen if someone is on the performance page, presses the ‘GO TO OUTPUT’ button. Then on the Output page, presses ‘GO TO PATCH’ thinking that it simply returns them to the Performance page, or another Single edit page.
It may be safer to have the GO TO PATCH button only on the Multi page.