Kawai K1, K4 and K4R

Thanks for the info! It is already on my list to check out your new version! But need to finish lots of other stuff first :slight_smile:


I have a K4r, although it would be nice to have a K4 as well for the effects section. If they featured MIDI overflow, a second K4r would also be great for extra polyphony. Some multi stacks only have two note polyphony!

Anyway, the editor Output page works fine, as there is no need to hear real-time audible changes on the pan pot. Just edit the submix(e’s), save the Output patch, jump back to the Performance page and press ‘SELECT’ to reload the patch. Obviously, if any edits separate to those on the Output page have been made, they need to be written before reloading.

Thanks, yes, I know, I keep the channel on 11, but the output does get changed to port 2.

My issue is with multis featuring several sections intended to be played together, whether split, velocity switched, or ‘layered unison’ (stacked), and are not set to the same MIDI channel. Instead, they have ascending MIDI channels. This means that every active section needs to be set to a single channel, 11 in my case, before the multi will play as probably intended. It is bizarre. Kawai could have made it possible to set section channels to ‘global’. Then users never have to waste time editing and resaving multis.

Yes, moving to the output page and back to the performance page no longer overwrites the Output parameters.

Also, if the Output page submix values are edited but not saved, moving to another page and back again will lose those edits. Not a problem really, just remember to save.

I have not yet seen any errors introduced from the JSON shifted parameters. But I was not looking outside the Performance page, so can’t really say if it is happening.

It might be a good idea to rename the ‘GO TO PATCH’ button on the Output page to ‘GO TO PERFORMANCE’? That is what it does, and it would distinguish it from the ‘GO TO PATCH’ button on the Multi page that has a different purpose, i.e. loading in the selected section patch values.

The Multi section ‘GO TO PATCH’ button still gives a single patch that sounds weird and phasing. Once the Single button has dismissed the DATA DUMP message, and SELECT is pressed to recall the correct patch memory, the patch will then sound as it should.

On the Multi page, would it be possible to make the section mute button three-state, with an extra press putting it into Solo mode, muting the other active sections?

Awesome! I’m glad you like them. :slight_smile:

Try this out in V5Test now: if you double click on the MIDI channel in a section, it will default to the device’s base channel. Better than nothing, and quite fast in use.

Agree, I changed it.

A very good idea, need to think about it. A rule would be then: you can’t change sections, as long at it is soloed. Else I’d need an extra page to make all solo settings visible, and that will add confusion.

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It works well, thank you!

That sounds good to me. Although, maybe changing section in a soloed state could make the new section solo’d instead of the previous? This way you could step through the sections, hearing each in isolation.

Today’s creation.
Majestic.syx (140 Bytes)

You can test again, before I make this V6.

A Solo button has been added in the Multi page. It turns light red when engaged. It still allows you to change the section and follows along. You should be able to save while in solo mode, and it will save according to the mute settings, not according to the temporary solo settings.
=> In solo mode the mute settings are all ignored, but remain in memory to be saved or changed.

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It works well, no problems found. Thank you.

Just before you do version 6, is there any chance the multi/single selectors can show patch names, please?

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They do, as follows:

  • single selectors (so in single mode) should show their name in the lower right corner. If the content in E1 is no longer guaranteed to be a complete stack of single mode data, that name will disappear.
  • multi selectors show their name in the middle pad (where originally it said ‘SELECT’) of the “MULTI SELECT” frame
  • section selectors show their patch name below the patch code in the “SECTION CONTROL” frame, where it originally said ‘PATCH’

Sorry, I did not explain it very well. I mean for the purpose of selecting a Single or Multi. Like how the Section Patch selector shows the patch names as you turn it, have the same thing when turning the Multi and Single selection controls. That way, you can scan through the Multi/Single names before making the correct selection. It is easier than trying to remember which memory slot a particular desired patch is in.

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Single : done

Multi : needs some more work (and another dump)

All done. It wasn’t even difficult :smiley:

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Both single and multi control names work great. It is necessary of course to press the internal/external button twice and wait for the bank dump, before the names show up. That is cool, and not an issue.

I’d say Version 6 is good to go. Great work! A truly top-tier modern editor. :grinning:

Thank you, and I’m grateful for your ideas and test help too.

BTW, you don’t have to press the bank button. Just give the synth some time to load by itself. The bank button is only needed when you change to external memory or vice versa.

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That doesn’t work for me, and it is probably due to me having the Bitwig E1 template by @Moss also running. It tends to grab the focus on the E1 , right after rebooting, and when I believe the K4r editor is calling the patch bank. There is MIDI activity on port 2 in, and Edisyn, which is often running in parallel, will say a K4 bank has been received. But the Multi/Single selectors will not show names until I do the double-press of the bank button to make a manual request again.

A big benefit on the E1 of running the Bitwig preset is that it gives multi-touch page selection to all presets. As long as Bitwig is running. I LOVE that feature, and it has made navigating the K4r editor pages super-fast.

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Ready for testing:
page 5 : Init Patch + Patch save
page 7: Envelope Values


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The init patch mutes all tones on the K4r. The mutes on the editor need to be toggled before hearing anything. The S2 wave is not set to Saw 1, like with S1, on the K4r. S2 remains on the previously used wave.

Patch save does not work for me. Even when saving to the same memory location. The unchanged patch is recalled if I select it again.

The envelope page value displays are good.

Can you verify the midi traffic via midi-ox?

The init patch first sets all four sources to volume 0, before sending all of its sysex parameters changes, so you don’t get abrupt sounds in between. Do you see those param changes pass through?

Also the patch save, I’d like to see the 140 bytes the E1 should pass on, and the reply the K4R makes.

An additional way to debug the preset: keep the PC connected, go into the lua editor, and review the output at the bottom of the screen, given by the E1.
Output and multi save do work?

Try again, I think the muting is caused by multithreading. I changed the logic slightly to have better control of the transmission sequence.

I have directly cabled, andIt is the MRCC causing the issue with saving. Sorry, it has been fine up to now. I will do some more testing to see exactly where it is going wrong. And if it also affecting the Init function.

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Also, in MIDI OX, name your ports, so we see where the messages comes from (E1 or Synth) and thus can debug the communication

The MRCC was affecting both the Init and saving. Directly cabled E1->K4 there is no issue. Why it suddenly now has issues is beyond me, but I will try isolate the issue on the MRCC.