Yes, it looks like bytes are being dropped.
It is an issue I do know about, but mostly things do work as they should. Assigning an input to more than one output can cause dropped bytes. A buffering issue, and perhaps will never get fixed. It was reported to them a while back. But as everything we have done before this latest version was working OK, it did not immediately occur to me that maybe the MRCC was now being a problem.
FYI : I use MioXL (3 of them) never had any problem.
The MRCC is going to have to go. The uncertainty over dropped bytes, even when things appear OK, is not acceptable. If you don’t mind, rather than continue off-topic here, I’ll shoot you a few questions about using multiple MioXL’s in a message. I was on the cusp of getting a second MRCC for more inputs, but that is now off the table.
Hi NewIngis,
I just wanted to say a massive thank you for this amazing preset. I’m using V6 (which I completely missed at first… I’ve been using V2 for months!). The work you’ve done on this is truly impressive. Thank you for sharing it.
One quick question, which may have been answered already but the thread is long so forgive me if I missed it… Does the preset have to use MIDI Channel 11? I’ve tried changing it in the Electra One editor “Edit Device” port, (along with the relevant setting on the unit itself obviously) but it seems to break the preset. I’d love to be using the K4r on a different channel.
EDIT: I see above that you recommend doing exactly this to change the operating MIDI Channel, but it doesn’t seem to work for me after uploading it to the E1.
Thanks for noticing. I believe I still had a small piece hardcoded, as long as I was developing. Will check later this week, and give you an update. It will be V7 though, I’m adding full save…
Glad you like it.
That would be very kind of you. I did check the LUA, but I’m no coder, and I couldn’t find anything obvious.
It can be done, but in my experience there are some hoops to jump through to get it, or any channel/output port edited preset to work. I am testing using V6 on channel 1 right now and it appears to be OK.
Here is my procedure for editing, saving and activating a preset to a different port or channel:
Edit the preset to desired port/channel.
Edit the preset name to reflect this, I usually append something like ‘P2C1’ for port 2 channel 1.
Copy the new name and use it when saving a revision of the preset with the save button.
Press X button to close the editor.
Send the Preset to the E1, check the correct edited name is showing in the slot.
The following two steps are critical for me to avoid errors occuring.
Completely close the web browser.
Reboot the E1 by unplugging and replugging the USB lead.
Select the correct preset if it shifted to another.
Change DAW K4 track to the new channel.
Change K4 to receive transmit on the correct channel in TRS & RCV system sections.
It should all work now.
Well, it should work in V6 if you change the settings indicated in green before uploading the preset to the E1, but not the settings indicated in red.
As it seems that is exactly what you did , that should work. You did re-upload the preset though, after you changed it in the editor? And your Kawai is still unresponsive to SysEx ? If it does not work, check the midi traffic going between synth and E1. That is the best way to discover issues.
The whole lua code starts with reading the channel (= “11”) (on line 20) and port (= “MIDI 1”) (on line 19) as indicated in green, and then uses it everywhere. So there is only one place to change it which is in the device settings as you correctly pointed out.
Be aware, the lua logic assumes the device ID is always “1” (line 18).
Devices are shown in the editor in order of channel (which I changed for device ID 1 from channel 1 to 11) , that’s why you see the Kawai in the middle of the left column. Once you change the channel of that device, the Kawai will appear elsewhere in the list, but it will still be device ID 1.
If, for any reason whatsoever, you would use another device ID, you will break the preset, because all controls are also aiming at device 1.
New version 7 Electra One App
On page 5 is added:
- Patch saving.
- Any existing patch that has a source disabled on the synth itself, will enable all sources by resaving it via the E1.
- “2 Init Patch” possibilities
On page 7:
- values of each envelope stage (A,D,S,R) are now shown
@Red_Hector @NewIgnis You’re both absolutely right. It works fine with V6. I don’t know what I was doing before to break it, but all is working now. Apologies for the sidetrack.
Thanks again for a fantastic editor @NewIgnis