Hi! This would be great as a controller for the DW8000 as well as the older Roland JV/JD series like the 880, 990 and 1080. Anyone have plans to make a template for any or all of these?
I have an old jv880, but there’s currently a “doesn’t power up” problem, once I get that fixed, I plan on doing a template. Could take a while though (the power problem).
However doing template is really easy, the hardest part for me was deciding what I wanted where
Fixed the power up problem by swapping out the battery and the subsequent “internal ram read error” by factory resetting. Unfortunately there’s only very little sound coming out of it (-75db or so) , so that needs to be fixed before proceeding. If anybody has an idea?
just a rough guess: if only some of the voices are affected, look at the voice channel VCA chips / opamps. If all voices are affected, look at the summing mix / amplifier. You might also see if the phones are doing the same, to located the issue. An oscilloscope is great for tracking down issue like this.
Didn’t turn on again mmh
I’ve created a patch for the Korg EX-8000. Didn’t test it with a DW-8000. But since the Sysex implementation seems to be identical, it should also work with the DW-8000.