LFO Generation Preset?


I am wondering what would go into making a preset that sends midi LFO’s to whatever CC and midi channel I want to direct the LFO. If anyone has done this, could they potentially share it? This way I could send and tweak lfo’s to multiple fx units/synths, at once, even if they are on different midi channels, and tweak them all with knobs. Any input would be greatly appreciated!

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I haven’t bought it yet but making LFOs with it was one of my questions in my first post. I take your post as positive to that question.

One of the first thing i do will be to make a test preset with as much modulation/LFOs that are possibly. I will share it. Are there any other midi events besides LFOs it can produce? Ramps? Any random stuff?

Atm I’m looking for the latest manual…

You may find one my preset for the Moog Minitaur where I added an LFO, an additional EG and a modulation matrix.

My answer to you on the moment this Minitaur preset was made: yes , the E1 can do LFO’s, but you’ll need to think it though yourself for a large part.

However, I believe @martin did add some basic LFO capabilities to the E1 since then, but I haven’t tried them out out yet.

Here’s what the Minitaur preset was about (and which was made possible thorugh lua). I didn’t make it simple though, so the logic involved might be a bit daunting:

  • the three modulation sources (LFO, EG, mod Matrid) had multiple destinations to choose from.
  • the same destination might be controlled from multiple modulation sources, so when one of the source values change you need to recaculate the sum off all combined modulation sources before deciding what the new destination value is
  • you might be producing too many CC changes in a certain time lapse, overflowing the synths buffer and/or capacity to follow in time. To prevent this from happening , you need to set a min sampling pauze, to prevent too fast changes result in a series of CC changes the synth can’t process adequately.
  • the implemented LFO had sync capability, free float or restart at note-on, starting phase 0-359°, peculiar waveforms you won’t find elsewhere and a skewing parameter, that changes triangles into sawtooths and applies PW to square waveforms.
  • the EG is loopable, has delay and starting level stages

All in all, there’s some mathematics involved to reach all of these challenges.
But it sure made the Minitaur perform in a way it can’t do on its own.

I have to check out that lua scripting. If it’s something i can actually learn. I never in my life done any kind of coding.

My main goal qas to find a controller that does sysex. I found an old harmonizer that sounds awesome but can only be controller with sysex.

If i need to spend months on learning lua i might try to find some other controller. ATM I’m using a Faderfox EC4. It’s ridiculously easy to program. Bur doesn’t do sysex…

Thanks for your answer :blush:

Just out of curiosity, what old harmonizer do you have?

FWIW, it’s kind of unrealistic to expect to find a flexible hw MIDI controller that can read, parse, and send sysex messages and do it all without any programming needed.

I’ve been through a lot of different MIDI controllers over the past 35 years and this is the only one that can handle all the different devices that it does.

If you are new to lua, don’t start with this preset as your first encounter. This is already advanced stuff.

Again: if you are looking for a real time modulator rather than a MIDI controller for controlling parameters of gear AND you are not deep diving, it won’t bring you what you look for.

You state your main goal is to find a controller that does sysex. Then you are at the right spot. This is by far the best sysex controller. And all based sysex stuff can be done without coding.

But sysex isn’t meant to make LFO’s with. And the original goal of this controller neither is making LFO’s.

No a LFO was just me dreaming away abit.

It’s not really old it’s a Roland VT-4. It does vocoding and pitch. Lots of it’s parameters can be controlled by simpe CC (i have that part covered with a Faderfox EC4) but with sysex, it can be played as a instrument!
Hence me looking at a second midi controller
Thanks for your answers :+1: :blush:

Roland VT4 can be perfectly done on an Electra One.

cant really wait to do this…
and this forum seems very awesome . People are actually polite and helpful.
As having to many midi controllers only making things cluttered and confusing… I might part with my faderfox ec4. but i do really love it…ot keep it until i get electra and decide then.


It would be a banger having a submenu on a long press on a parameter that has an LFO view with options. also would be great if adding the second LFO would offer subdivisions or multiplier options in relation to the previously added LFO to have them rhythmically synced.

it would massively improve the device value having this feature globally without any programming per app.

upd: as I see, there is such feature request already.

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