LinnStrument not recognised when plugged into USB Host

I just received my E1 and trying to get it set up with my LinnStrument. I’ve plugged it into the USB Host port but the E1 doesn’t show anything in the settings menu. However, when I play on it, the MIDI is correctly sent through.

If I plug in my Deluge and my T01 they both appear.

What am I missing here?


would it be possible for you to connect your LinnStrument directly to the computer and open the USB inspector in it. Like this:

  1. go to chrome://usb-internals

  1. open the Devices tab and click on the Inspect button associated with the LinnStrument

  2. click the buttons to get the Device and Configuration descriptors:

The above steps should give you something like this for the LinnStrument:

If you sent me either a screenshot of that or a saved page, I would be able to understand what is happening.

Here you go.

USB Internals - (6.9 KB)

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Hi @martin Have you had any luck with this yet?