I was assuming if I set a 14-bit dial or fader to Midi range 0 to 16383 and then set the Min=0.0 Max 1.0 and default 0.0 that as you turn the dial would slowly go from 0.0 to 1.0 as it moves through 0 to 16383 but it jumps immediately from 0 to 1. Is there a way to use a desired scaling in Min, Max and Default and have that move through the range of motion (or do you need to code that kind of thing). Thanks.
the E1 display values can be whole numbers only. if real numbers (numbers with decimal places) the formatter function will do the job. Please see examples at: Custom formatters.
Thanks. I’ll look at that. Actually, I’m fine with it saying 0 to 1, the problem is that it should not move immediately to 1 when you turn the dial. It should smoothly move from 0 to 1 as you turn your dial through the full Midi min-max range (as it does if you removed Min and Max entries and just keep the Midi range. It jumps immediately to 1 with a slight turn. It would much better if that motion going to 0 to 1 was scaled according to the Midi range. In fact, this seems like what it should be doing (unless I missed something here).
Would also be nice if by default you enter a Min Midi number that is greater than the max number, when you turn the dial your midi value decrease. Instead of Mix/Max these should be Starting/Ending. That will give more options without trying to code up stuff I assume.