So what’s the relationship between the two different Min Max settings when defining a virtual fader?
If I define a fader with no values at all in either, turning the encoder doesn’t do anything (as expected)
If I define a Value Min/Max, the fader still does nothing. However, any MIDI data received does set the fader to the correct value when the parameterMap is changed, but moving the encoder does not change the value.
If I define a MIDI Min/Max, the fader changes value as I move the encoder. Plus, any MIDI data received does set the fader to the correct value when the parameterMap is changed as well as my encoder turns.
Here is the reason for the question and above info:
If I use value:setMin() and value:setMax(), I can create a min and max for the fader movement as long as the new min/max is inside the range set by the MIDI min/max.
However - the fader and visible range is still fixed at the original Min/Max. What I’d like to see is when I set the value:setMin() value:setMax() the fader uses the full range across these values
Current example: trying to dynamically create a fader for various parameters. I can set the name, make it visible, and set a range for movement/transmission. However, since this is a generic fader control, I have to set the min and max in the GUI to the lowest and highest possible values (say 0 and 500) even though I’m not using them all every time (using 100 to 300). So my fader movement is a small section of the full range.
I kind of hope that’s clear. If I finish work on this section of the PCM 70 preset, I’ll include the link so you can see it.
Looking at the JSON, it appears I need to change the message min and max, but I don’t see an API to do that.