MFB Synth II, CC mapping 10 bit

Maybe someone can help me. I bought an mfb synth 2, the thing has quite an extensive mini implementation, almost every parameter can be controlled via cc’s. However, most of them do not work with 7 or 14, but with 10 bits, and two cc’s are assigned to each parameter. How can I map this in the app, should I simply select 14bit? Enclosed is also the corresponding midi table. Many thanks in advance for your help.

how are the 10 bits distributed over the 14 bits of those 2 CC’s you need? If it’s 7 bits to the LSB and 3 bits to the MSB, then you can use the 14bit CC without further ado, whilst limiting the value range to 0…1023 so you keep within that 10 bit limit.

Unfortunately I don’t know, the manual is pretty sparse on this subject. But thanks, I’ll give it a try. This is the first synthesizer I know of where this is the case… Quite advanced for the time, but Mr. Fricke was probably pretty picky about some things;)

I just found this in the Squarp forum, I’ll give it a try. Because I don’t know how I can use 2 different CC numbers for just one fader in the editor app.

Do you have a midi monitor tool on the PC, like MIDI-Ox so you can actually see what the synth and the elctra One are sending out?
If not, install that first, so you don’t work in the blind.

Thanks for the tip, yes I will try that, because the information on the cc values on the net is also partly contradictory;)

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ok, i haven’t given up yet :slight_smile: Unfortunately MidiOx doesn’t work on my Mac, so I used MidiView to see what the synth is sending. Here’s an example of what happens when I turn the cut off knob, there seem to be 2 CC’s involved that send alternately. Is there any way of mapping this with the ElectraOne?

When I use the learning function in the Electra app, it looks as if only one CC value is recognized here:/

Accordingly, it also does not work if I want to use the assignments “learned” in this way. The sound becoms just scratchy and unfortunately not filtered :upside_down_face:

if anyone has any ideas, I’d be really grateful, because the synth sounds really cool. :sunglasses: But if the midi implementation doesn’t work I’ll probably sell it on…

Have you tried setting the control up as a CC 14 instead of NRPN?

CC14 controls use 2 CC numbers, one low number and another 32 higher (so 21 and 53)

I think if you define it as a CC14 with the large range and assign it to CC 21, it should work properly.

Yes, I have tried it. But I don’t know how I can use 2 different CC numbers at the same time, there is only one input field for the parameter number. Thank you for taking the time to help me :slight_smile:

You don’t need to control two numbers at the same time yourself when processing 14bit CC. If you defined CC21 as a 14 bit control, it will then automatically use CC53 as its LSB, and CC21 as its MSB. That’s part of the Midi standard. But since for other synths those 2 CC might be used independently, it’s not illogical that using the learn function might yield partial results here.

That is what the CC overview you showed also tried to tell you: the Coarse CC is the MSB, the Fine CC the LSB. The are consistently 32 numbers apart. You must combine them in one CC of 14 bit with a range of 0 to 16383.

When turning knobs while looking what happens in MidiView, do turn much much slower. Because you change so fast, the numbers appear to be random. But they are not. Try again :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes and it seems correct, as it recognized CC21 as a 14 bit, according to the name it was given. However the message type says NRPN and that is incorrect, you must keep it as CC 14bit.
Also the range is not complete, maybe the knob did not allow to turn all the way, as the range stopped shortly before 16383. You can change that manually so you round off to the nearest value the amount of x bits can you (know that you start at 0, not at 1)
Did you check with MidiView what E1 is sending?

Many thanks for your tips. I have recorded the slider movement more slowly, screen shot attached. What is strange is that the synth seems to send other data in between without me moving anything except the cut off knob. However, I have now set this accordingly in the app with CC14 bit and also recorded what Electra sends, screenshot also attached. Unfortunately, the synth does not react to this. What I also don’t know is how to deal with the 10bit values, only Cut Off needs 14 bits, most other parameters “only” 10. :no_mouth:

Let’s focus on that cutoff first.

Sure about cc21? I thought it was cc15 according to Squarp forum. Test that first.
Midi implementation guides tend to contain errors. Never trust them completely :slight_smile:

What does the manual of the synth say about receiving midi cc? There may be a setting enabling or disabling it. Do double check the midi signal leaving the E1 is effectively routed to the MFB.

CC21 is already correct, that is also what the synth sends according to MidiView. What I showed above was mistakenly the assignment of the Synth Lite, sorry I got that mixed up. However, the matter has now been resolved, cause unfortunately my Sequentix Cirklon, which I wanted to use with the Synth and E1 in a three-way connection, can’t handle this kind of CC assignment, which is a bit sad, but maybe an update will come at some point. I would like to thank you very much for your quick help, I was really amazed and very positively surprised. See you soon, I’m sure I’ll have another strange problem sooner or later :wink:

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Whenever I first start with a new device or have problems, I try to eliminate as much unnecessary gear between the thing I am testing. It’s very frustrating when the problem turns out to be a router or bad cable or another device that is also sending and responding to data.

Of course, sometimes you can’t do this, but whenever I can, it’s just computer <–>Electra <–>gear

Also - to answer your earlier question — the original MIDI spec handles data from 1 to 7 bits. The extended syntax handles from 1-14 bits (2 blocks of 7). So if you need 8,9,10, etc bits, you need the extended syntax even though you are not using every last bit. There’s no “12 bit” CC format.

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