Hey, new user here from the Netherlands, I go under the name of “Dolleman”
I had some troubles to get the E1 working with my Deluge, to be specific it’s the preset
“Deluge MIDI Follow” made by Sean Ditny.
The description was quite unclear for me, so I tried to reach out to Sean, somehow he isn’t a user/member of the E1 forum (underneath a screenshot of me trying to find Sean)
and there is my first problem/solution:
Each public preset, should be a thread on it’s own
In this way, other members can respond/react and most importantly ask questions, so that preset owner can clearify some things in order to make it run, users of the public preset can also let the uploader know if also works. (I would love to see a superlike button, I mean so gratefull Sean made it, and helped me out!)
Because Sean wasn’t a member ( I had to google Sean Ditny, and was lucky enough he was also active in a syntstrom Deluge Facebook group. By chatting back and forth he explained and helped me to get the E1 running with the Deluge (I had to peform many updates and steps, with weren’t mentioned in the E1 preset description.
I think we all would benefit, if there is a way I (or Sean) could react on the preset. So other people won’t have to struggle like I did. An open two-way communcation is the way to go imo.
extra wishes for the preset library
It would also be nice to see how many time’s a preset is donwloaded, for example just like Thingyverse (3D printing files)
And maybe also some credits/hearts that E1 users can give to the uploaders.
I think it’s strange that no one else mentioned this before? Can’t belief i’m the only one wishing for this basic forum option. Would love to read a reaction on this.