Hey guys! Nick here, total newbie Does anyone have any presets for the Prophet 6? I just got one. If not, I’ll try to make one and share, but any help would be appreciate even if just to get me going… Thank you!
Hey Nick welcome!
Based on Pedro’s as1 editor I made one that also includes patch parsing.
Since the AS1 is pretty much a single voice P6 it might be a good start? Not sure
Looks great thanks! Gonna check it out and revert asap
hey flyweight! just getting into it. thanks for the welcome. I’ve got it soewhat working - one question - patch request does not seem to update the controller to the prophet’s settings. is there anything we can do on that side? I have the synth set to transmit and receive nrpn… not sure if that’s right or not… love any guidance, thank you!
I have no experience with the P6 but for “patch request” to work I would start first with comparing the manual of the AS1 and the P6.
I am witting a sysex parsing tutorial here; ocean/decoding-sysex.md at main · timandtheocean/ocean · GitHub
There should be another one here on the forum.
So you probably have to go through that process.
Before you do you can try to edit the patch request section in the json file.
The patch request and response header will be different for sure.
The patch map might be the same if you have the header right.
See more info: Parsing SysEx messages | Electra One Documentation
thanks, tim! Will check it out asap
Hi Nick, I’m a newbie as well.
I don’t have a P6 but an OB6 which is almost the same platform.
So far I’m still learning on patch parsing and learning the lua script language before applying it.
You might find some inspiration for the user interface with the OB6 preset I recently made a new version of. It opens up the transpose settings of the sequencer. No patch parsing yet. Electra One App
But that will come, maybe we can help each other here and there.
Just an update. I am mostly silent because I am putting all my time into finalizing the SysEx editor for outgoing SysEx templates and for the patch parsing. Below you will find a few teaser screenshots. Working with SysEx should be much more accessible with this new editor.
Outgoing SysEx almost completed:
Patch parsing still needs some work:
that’s a lot of work you put into it, Martin.
Question: for the message response I read somewhere you need to foresee the SysEx string that will identify the Device (with for instance Manufacturer ID). Without it, the corresponding call back function will not be triggered. Where in the E1 app do I define this identification SysEx string? When I know how to, I could allow the patch request to be triggered to a KingKorg or an OB-6 , and the response to be captured.
At this moment you can define such a SysEx string only in JSON. I am adding a possibility to do that in the PatchEditor.
You can see the “request” and “response” SysEx definition on the screenshot:
Request is the message(s) that is send when the [Patch request] button is pressed. Response is an array of the bytes that can be used to identify incoming SysEx message. If the incoming message matches the bytes of the response. Electra will start parsing the parameter values out of the message.
My plan is to make this at some point more interactive. You would start with entering “request” message to the editor and you would be able to send it to the synth (via electra) directly from the browser. The browser would then display all received patch dump messages. You could mark there what the response bytes are and then mark the locations of the parameter values.
If this is done right, I think, it could be even used as kind of reverse engineering tool. Meaning, the repetitive receiving of patch dumps would somehow highlight bytes / bits that are changing. I hope you catch my drift…
I do!
It would be tremendous to have the following ‘SysEx Learn’ procedure :
- The E1 sends a patch request for one particular chosen patch every x seconds automatically, and compares it with the previous response. Then via the logviewer it prints the number of the byte(s) that was changed, giving both the previous value (numerical and in hex) as well as the new value.
In the mean time we change one parameter at a time on the synth, and store it in that patch. The log will show us what byte from the Patch Sysex changed correspondingly in the received message.
Seeing the complexity of some of the synths (like the XV5080 or even worse the Yamaha TG77 (= 1430 parameters)) it would at least allow us to discover the most relevant parameters, but even for simpler ones (like the Roland SE02 or the Korg DS8 for which we have no SysEx implementation guide) this would create an enormous advantage.
Let me know if I can help beta testing…
Ps: do you expect every synth that has SysEx for patch transmission to also have SysEx parameter change messages?
That looks like such a nice way to tinker with sysex. Looking forward to this release